Chapter Twenty-Nine- the TARDIS Saves the Day

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"Oi! Wake up, you feathered git!"

Cas groaned, his eyes fluttering open to stare at the grey rock ceiling above him. He raised his hands to rub his eyes, but found he couldn't move them higher than his stomach. He glanced down to see his wrists encircled by thick Adamas chains. He blinked groggily.

"Who's that?" he asked, his words slurred by sleep.

"Father Christmas," the voice answered sarcastically. Cas closed his eyes and sighed exasperatedly.

"Crowley," he groaned. Of all the people to be locked up with, it had to be Crowley. He could practically hear the demon's smirk. He just didn't have the energy to deal with the black eyed bastard.

"Who else?"

"Where are we?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Crowley looked round their small cell. It was dimly lit, with no window, yet there was still light. It was a general red wash, with dark shadows round the perimeter. The walls were roughly hewn rock, but the fourth wall- the one directly in front of Cas- was just a wall of bars, showing a corridor of the same rock. "But I think we're underground." Cas nodded.

"How did you arrive here?" he inquired, peering at his cellmate.

"I let my guard down. Didn't ward my safehouse as well as I could have done. Then, puff! Instant transport to a jail cell," Cowley sighed. "What about you?"

"I'm not certain," the seraph replied. "I was in the bunker with Sam and Dean, and our new companions. They were eating breakfast and then..." He broke off, adopting a British accent. "Puff."

"I do not sound like that."

"We have to get out of here," Cas decided, analysing the cell, looking for a weakness.

"Thank you for stating the obvious," Crowley replied sarcastically. "You don't think I've thought of that already?"

"Then why haven't you escaped yet?"

"Demon chains," Crowley rattled his shackles. "Plus that Nephilim bitch would be right on me if I did." Cas turned his head sharply to look at him.

"A Nephilim?"

"That's right, Castiel."

A figure emerged from the shadows, green eyes glowing in the darkness. She stepped into the strange red light, Cas's eyes widening in surprise as the leather clad silhouette revealed herself.



"I don't think this is a good idea."

"What are you talking about? This is a brilliant idea!"

"I have to agree. This is isn't going to work."

"Ye of little doubt!"

"Can you blame us?"

"Here we go!"

"We're going to die!"



"Hey Deano."

Dean jumped, startled, spinning round and holding out an angel blade threateningly. That is, until he realised who it was.

"Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed, gaping at the archangel before him. "How in Hell-"

"Definitely not Hell," Gabriel smirked, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed. He pushed the shining blade down with his forefinger and raised an eyebrow. "A little jumpy, are we Dean?"

"That's because everything's gone crazy!" Dean hissed, watching the doors. "Everyone's tryna kill each other! I don't know where Sam is, Jay and Henry are gone, John and Sherlock went to the library and never came back. The Doctor's been missing for a week, and his friend's have vanished too. Crowley's not responding to our messages, and Cas... he's gone. No one knows where. He just disappeared in a flash of light. So excuse me if I'm a little tense!" Dean took a breath to calm down.

"Really? I leave you guys for a couple of years and it all goes crazy," Gabriel shook his head. "I need to know what's happened, so why don't you start at the beginning?"

Dean opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a blue police box smashing through the walls. He ducked with an undignified yelp. The doors were thrown open, a hand reaching down to grab his collar and scoop him up. Gabriel looked alarmed, but leapt inside nonetheless. The Tardis whirred and wheezed, carrying them away.


"Jay? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill you, Sam. I'm going to shoot you in the head. Then I'm going to cut off your head, and give it to your brother. Then I'm going to kill him."

Sam gaped at the woman before him. Jay's eyes gleamed with malice, her hand steady as she held the gun before her. Sam licked his lips.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You people make me sick. You hunters, you kill us like animals. You hunt us down. You hurt us with your silver!"

And Sam understood. But he had little time to dwell on that, as there was a strange wheezing noise and he found himself inside a massive room, John laying unconscious on the floor before him.


"Come out, come out, wherever you are! You can't hide forever Shirley!" John's voice floated through the bookshelves. Sherlock shrunk back against the bookcase, clutching the knife tighter. He'd managed to dive out the way of the knife, the silver blade grazing his arm. It hurt, but it wasn't fatal.

"What are you?" the detective called, peering through the shelves. "A demon? Or a shapeshifter?" John laughed.

"You've been doing your research," he commented. Sherlock felt the bookcase behind him shake, and he rolled to the side as it came crashing down beside him. Books landed on top of him, the pages ripped out and drifting calmly to the floor. Sherlock glanced up, eyes wide from beneath the pile of heavy tomes, and watched John approach him.

John paused in front of him, knife clutched in his hand. He raised his hand, the blade shining in the light, and brought down towards Sherlock's chest.

Sherlock flinched, turning his head away. But the blow never came. The floor beneath Sherlock's cheek turned from cool stone to warm metal, a hum vibrating through the ground. Sherlock sat up, the books tumbling off him, and looked around. The Doctor stood before him, arms outstretched.

"Welcome to the TARDIS."


I did it.

I updated.

*pats self on back*

I hope you enjoyed. As always, ideas are welcome. Please?

Q1. Who here is a Marvel fan/ who's your favourite character and why?

Mine's Loki cause he's sexy and a badass 😉

Q2. What would make you silent readers vote more?

As always, please don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxx

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