Chapter 167-Trump Cards Revealed

Start from the beginning

The numerous demons hooted and hollered. However, after a moment the bloodlust overcame them as they saw Lineir was visibly weakening. He had less than 30% of his total Qi left.

"Five incense sticks of time left. I didn't want to do this but its do or die!" Lineir pointed his black blade directly at the rushing demon frontline. They began to funnel as the tunnel narrowed!

"Go!" Lineir did two things simultaneously. All the demons could see was a flicker as he put his hand into his pocket and removed a small white item. In the next second there was a bang and all became white!



"MY EYES!!!!"

"MY EARS!!!!"



The demons were thrown into complete disarray as suddenly their sight disappeared and overwhelming pain overcame their nerves. It was like a hungry flame had suddenly lit in their veins and without warning had roared directly into their ears and blinded their eyes. When they opened their eyes they groped around, adjusting to the sudden darkness which felt immense. It was several breaths before anyone could do more than breath and a full incense stick of time before they could do more than blindly defend themselves. Finally one of them looked up at Lineir, his pupils dilating in and out of control.

"Wha-what was that?" The demon said with a weak voice. He clutched his bleeding ears and then he shook as he saw the human invader standing...tall and straight! Something about Lineir's bearing was merciless and unyielding and the demon felt absolute fear for the first time in the hunt because he realized there was absolutely no weakness in his pose! It was not as if he had fought for days and been harassed by demons to within a hairs length of death. Instead he stood as if invigorated! The demons who were picking themselves off the cave floor by contrast appeared more like they had come out in the worse!

"Damn. They are truly hardy. The amount of Tribulation Lightning I had stored could have slain a midclass Celestial Realm if it connected. Without Mei to control the strike though I could only let the lightning scatter naturally. Unfortunately it failed to kill with so many targets!" Lineir sighed but triumphantly lifted the black blade. "Four incense sticks of time left. At least my trump card bought me enough time swallow."

"Who's next!" He said without warning as something fell from his fingers. A white pill bottle, completely empty dropped to the ground. A boundless energy filled him as all the highest quality pills, including glorious pills such as Five Phoenix Rebirth Pills and Sun Dao Replenishment, churned in his system! He had devoured all the pills the Lordmaster of Tea, or Grandmaster Alchemist Cao Sun had given him at the Chosen Cups Trial! These were pills which even in the Divine Realm would be considered top tier and precious life saving treasures to Divine Realm cultivators. Even many Celestials would not carry a single one. Normally eating more than one would be a terrible waste and many ordinary Chosen of the Divine Realm would rather die than commit such a sin! However, Lineir ate them all at once! Anyone who ate this much energy at once at his level would suffer terrible effects in the future and destabilize his cultivation base, possibly suffering a severe backlash or even death! But right now...destabilizing his cultivation would be the desired effect for maximum power! "In the face or life or death...even if it means sacrificing the future...I choose life!" Lineir growled as he rushed into the still stunned demons. Caught unaware and surprised at his second wind, he slaughtered them!

Puchi! Kacha! Clang! Shua Shua Shua!!

The vicious battle sounded off everywhere and Lineir felt the battle miraculously...stabilize in his favor!


His Undead heart beat in time with the battle as without Mei to regulate it he felt a sort of timeless hypnotism settle over him.

"The Heaven's Edge...feel the blade on my skin...feel the edge biting in...feel the blood flowing out. To walk that line between life and death. Now I see! This is the one and only way to truly train in the Heaven's Edge! Those who thought they mastered this style, no matter how talented, no matter how amazing or how wealthy were all mistaken. They only thought they practiced the Heaven's Edge but they were just following the moves in the manual and so in their critical moment it failed them. They did not understand the true meaning. Two words, two outcomes, yet an infinite number of variations!"

Lineir was on the cusp of a true breakthrough! He was about to seize victory from the jaws of defeat. A soundless elation rose in his throat. It was visceral and guttural, his cold composure saw the light of victory at hand.

"Only three incense sticks left!"

BANG! Crack! Crack! Crack!


Lineir involuntarily cried out as all the air in his lungs was squished out and he felt them deflate like punctured balloon. He blacked out an overwhelming pressure on his chest and then stars appeared from the back of his head. "What?!"

He stared blurrily at the cave entrance which was suddenly much farther away than before, frantically blinking his eyes to see what hit him. There was a flicker of movement and he instinctively crossed the bone scythes in front of his body.


"Argh..." He moaned weakly, blood falling from his elbows as the bone scythes shattered into countless fragments which stabbed into his own chest.

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