fifty four

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A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. It doesn't have anything to do with Irene. But this chapter is pretty sad, vote and comment. Keep in mind this story is coming to an end :((
Taehyung's Pov

I walked around the hallways freaking out. Mina was about to give birth, I haven't decided yet if I was going to go in there. But I realized I was going to be a Father soon, I'd rather be a Father with someone else but no matter what, I won't abandon my own kid. Just go in there for your baby. Not for Mina. Breathing in and out, I walked into the hospital room and Mina stared at me. "T-Taehyung.." She mumbled. "Focus on your breathing and pushing." The doctor informed her staring at me as well.

Oh shit. My baby's going to be out soon. "You can do it Mina!" I praised and gave her a thumbs up. I can just imagine this being Irene. When she finally gets to start a family she desires. I can't wait to be a Father. It's all I've ever wanted, besides to be with Irene. But the both of us knew if we were meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other.

"Ahhh," Mina yelped in pain. "T-Tae... come h-hold my hand p-please." I walked closer to her and grabbed her hand, clinging onto it tightly. This is what I've imagined starting a family would be like, but I never thought it would be with her. Maybe it could've been Irene, if I wasn't such a dick.

"It's.... a baby girl.." The doctor says and hands her to the nurses to clean her up. After awhile, they handed me my daughter. She's beautiful. One of the most beautiful people I know. "I'm gonna love you, and I'm gonna raise and take care of you well." I whispered to her and she smiled. She for sure wasn't crying. I love you already baby. "What should we name you princess?" I chuckled and examined her face. She surely didn't have any of my features though.

"C-Can I see my baby?" Mina says softly staring at her. Should I trust her with my child. Our child? No don't Taehyung, she is crazy! But I have to let her, she is the Mother. And no one should be stripped from their mother. "T-Taehyung please." She begged. I bit my lip nervously and stared at my baby. Her soft beautiful face. I don't want her to be in danger. But I need to let her hold her. "Please Taehyung. She's all that I have, maybe she can love me." Mina said crying.

I gave in and gave the baby to her. Mina wrapped her arms around our baby and smiled. The baby started to cry a bit, but she sang a soft lullaby and pecked her forehead. "You don't have to stay with us at all, I can take care of her alone." She said. "But I thought you needed me." I replied. "I did, but I don't anymore. I realized no matter what I would do, you wouldn't care about me the way I cared about you. In fact you hated me, but I understand. And I'm willing to take care of her," She pauses staring at our baby.

"I'm willing to start over, to be free of my horrid self. I'm going to change and be a perfect Mother that I never had. I'm going to love her, I'm going to raise her." Mina smiles crying. She stared at the beautiful baby for awhile longer." Will you let me have my baby? You can go back to Irene, I don't need you anymore." Mina says. "Mina I can't trust you with the baby. So no, I'm going to take her." I answered and took the baby out of her hands. "I'm sorry Mina, I truly am. But you are a crude, selfish, bitch. You don't care about anyone else and their feelings. You kidnapped Irene. You made her suffer! You almost made her crazy. And for that, I will take our baby and raise her."

Mina cried hard and loud. "C-Can I at least name her?" I nodded. "Jihee. I want her name to be that." Mina sadly smiles. "Taehyung you must promise me one thing, you have to take care of her well. Don't let her get in the wrong hands." She explains. I stared at Mina and gave her a confused face. What was she talking about? "You aren't the Father of Jihee. The truth is, Mark is the father."

My eyes widen and my heart beat races. What is she talking about? "M-Mina, what's up? Why are you telling me I'm not the Father?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I said you were the Father because I didn't want Mark to know he's the actual Father. He would kill me, worse. He might kill her. I didn't want that to happen, so please. Don't let him find out." Mina closed her eyes and the beeping monitor started to go down. "Mina! Mina!" I yelled.

"L-Let me hold her one last time." She spoke. I gave her the baby and tears were flowing from her eyes. "I love you Jihee, take care my baby. I'm sorry Mommy couldn't be there for you." And with that Mina closes her eyes, I took the baby from her arms and tears came. It was so sad to watch Mina die, even though I hated her a lot. She just wanted love and she just wanted to protect her baby. I'm sad Jihee isn't my baby, but relieved. Jihee started to cry loud. All of a sudden the Doctor and nurses came in.

"What happened?!" They asked. "Mina died, shortly after giving birth." I responded.

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