thirty two ♡

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Mark Pov

What's taking Mina so damn long, I was beginning to think she fell asleep in one of the stalls. My eyebrows furrowed as I heard some yelling fade through the area. Out of curiosity, I walked my way there and turned a right angled corner that would lead me to the men's bathroom. In there were some familiar voices I recognized, I hid and stumbled around the wall to secretly eavesdrop on them. "Taehyung, can you honestly not tell me you aren't happy?!"

"Mina! You think I can be happy about having a kid with someone else, and  they aren't even my wife!? I already have irene!"

"Then fucking divorce her because Taehyung, I will do anything just to have you. And if you don't divorce her.. I will kill Irene!" Mina stammered.

Good. The plan is coming to an end. I laughed evilly and left crossing my arms. Oh Irene, just wait what I'll do to you once I finally will own you soon.

Irene Pov

Taehyung and I successfully got along for awhile until we went home. He was tensed so much I was beginning to become worried. "Taehyung, are you okay?"

He smiled," Yeah. I'm just.... cold? Yeah cold, and I keep looking for the thing to control the air condition?"

"You mean that 'thing' over there?" I chuckled and pointed it out.

He nervously laughed and then I heard a text come from his phone. It was starting to vibrate. "Um Rene? I gotta take this phone call, do you mind?"

"Uh-no? Should I stay down here?" I asked.
"Yeah, thanks." He said and left to go upstairs.

I was puzzled. I wonder who called him, and why he's so worried. I shook off the thought of him cheating, or you know. Since he was a fuck boy, and did cheat on me while we were married.

My stomach started to growl, I walked over to the pantry and he had a ton of food there. But I wasn't starving for anything healthy, I was starving for fat foods!

I examined the pantry and found chicken, I decided to make fried chicken and kimchi. I hope Taehyung likes that.

I don't know what took him so long but after an hour he came back downstairs. I could tell he was crying earlier by the looks of it. "Taehyung? You okay?"

"Irene, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." He stammered out of no where and apologized. I don't understand why he would have to say sorry, maybe for making me fake my pregnancy but nothing else.

"What? Why are you so sorry all of a sudden? You don't like to apologize." I questioned.

"I just want to apologize to you. I feel really bad. I'm sorry." He gushed and ran straight towards me, he embraced me and snuck his face in the crook of my neck.

"Taehyung, stop. What's wrong? You're worrying me."

"Mina's pregnant... and I'm the father."

All of a sudden my wine glass dropped to the ground crashing into pieces. Taehyung let go after a few seconds and  wiped his tear with his sleeve. I was honestly stunned. My tears wouldn't fall out, I was too mad, I was too upset. I felt like my heart shattered into pieces that will forever be lost.  "Taehyung if this is some game you can stop it right now!"

"No Irene I'm serious! Mina's pregnant and it's all my fault! I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Taehyung-how? Why?" I said.

"I don't know what to say." I said and wiped the tears that came stringing down.

"Irene please I don't know how this happened! Please believe me!"

"Why? The more I seem to believe you, the more I get hurt."

I turned away wanting to go upstairs but he wrapped his arms around my waist and held on to me like the world was gonna fall apart.
"Please believe me."

My arranged marriage- taehyungme ♡Where stories live. Discover now