thirty seven ♡

911 22 2

a/n: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter although it was long and boring... thank you for 5k, ily guys so much and please remember to vote and comment :)
taehyung pov

i. cannot. believe. i. lost. control.

i have to fight the urge wanting to crash my lips on irene's again. i cannot feel this way, beside it would make me look bad. i'm going to be a father soon and i'm already a husband... forcefully. but every time i think about the way i touched her sinful lips my mind becomes dark. i just... i just wanna touch her in a way....

stop taehyung, please you cannot feel this way.

but you can taehyung...

i shook my head and sat on my bed. what the fuck is going on with my heart... my hormones. fuck i can't have just a single second to get her off my mind. fuck. i'm frustrated. as soon as i heard the door creak, ( the bathroom door) i jerked up and saw irene walking towards me.. with only a towel covering her body.

oh her gorgeous body...

she smirked," enjoying the view?"

why, yes I am.

i chuckled," actually yes i am."

she blinked her eyes in a confusing way and said," well are you gonna stay here and watch me change or...?"

stay here and watch you change..

i crossed my arms. "stay here and watch you change."

she immediately stomped her way towards me and flicked my forehead. "you pabo! i'm naked... y'know what? just stay there, close your eyes until i finish changing."

i nod and close my eyes. at least i can stay here, i just don't want my feelings for her to be strong. "hey tae... about a couple of days ago, i was meaning to ask... what do you mean when you said, 's-sorry i lost control'?"

ugh no. i was hoping she wasn't going to ask me this..
"do you really want the truth?"

she nods her head and folds her arms. "well i guess when i saw mark... i flipped out but he already left by the time i pulled you in and crashed my lips on yours... i w-wanted to feel your lips on mine and as i got addicted to you, you felt like a drug that i didn't wanna throw away the moment i'm done."

she sat beside me laying her soft beautiful head on my shoulder." but you know we can't happen right?"

"yes, of course i know. but i just wanted to confess to you before it's too late."

"that's fine tae.., but like i said we can't be together, as much as i wanna be... which i don't. our top priority is mina.

all of a sudden i planted my lips on hers and laid her down on the bed, she tried to push me off but i refused to let her go. this seems wrong and she should have a say whether she wants to kiss me but she built walls up so she won't feel so emotional with me and i have to bring them down. she squirmed," t-tae s-stop." what was i thinking? i let go of her and she pushed me off the bed with tears straining her cheek, "sometimes i really hate you!" she yelled at me and left slamming the door. i could hear her  her body thump onto the ground as her back faced the door.

i heard her leave and i slumped back in the bed laying down brushing back my hair that fell in my face. all i wanted was to get revenge on her, her father's company was threatening my dad's so our parents exchanged and made a deal. i hated irene because i didn't wanna get married to someone who i don't love.

irene pov

i went to mina's room and barged in without her asking. she crossed her arms," hey what the hell?! i was just about to take a nap!" i rolled my eyes," you have to shower first okay? do you want help? your baby bum is growing so i don't want you to trip or something." she sighed," yeah, yeah I need help. just help me bathe and i'll do everything else." we went to the bathroom and she undressed so i closes my eyes. she sat down in the bathtub and laid waiting for me to shower her head. i turned the water on and waited till it was warm. she really likes to be in the tub when i turn it on. anyway, i grabbed a small bowl and filled it up with some warm water and splashed it on her head rinsing her hair.

after rinsing i applied some shampoo and mixes that up all in her hair. "i don't get why you're so nice to me."i jerked my head up," what do you mean?"i washed her hair and applied conditioner. "i act like a bitch to you all the time and i'm sorry. i-i want to be friends though.." i smiled at her, "hey don't be hard on yourself, it's fine. next time just talk to me, and i forgive you. besides i would like to be friends too. but you have to tell me the truth about something." she smiled and asked," what do you want to know?"

i stopped rinsing her hair," is that really taehyung's kid, or minhyuks's, or mark's?"

My arranged marriage- taehyungme ♡Where stories live. Discover now