forty five ♡

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"I don't understand how we've been to all warehouses and there's nothing here!" Taehyung grew angry and kicked a tree, at the front of the last warehouse.

"Hyung I don't understand where Irene would be, and why would she be kid napped? Is there something you aren't telling us?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung rubbed his temples because he was struggling to think.

"There's some crazy psycho who's in love with her." He rolled his eyes and then squatted down, looking for some clues outside the door.

"So you mean you?" Jimin joked and Taehyung ignored him.

"Just look around and try to find something odd and unusual." Said Taehyung and everyone went searching for some clues, like: footprints, anything that could lead to the kid napper or Irene. Just anything would help them.

As time grew by, the three of them realized they had been searching around for hours and grew tired of looking. They felt their legs weaken up and almost crumple to the ground as they tried to walk back to the car in a rush.

"Can we just give up already?" Jungkook asked and wiped his sweat as Jimin glared at his boyfriend.

"No Kook, Irene is somewhere out there and we NEED to find her now. There's no time to rest, I suggest we go back to the first warehouse." Jimin said and Taehyung looked at him.

"Why the first warehouse?"

Jimin smirked slightly because he knew he was right, or at least he thought so. "When we heard that huge thud, it didn't come from outside, or inside... it came from underground."

Everyone widened their eyes and thought about how they searched everywhere and saw nothing, heard a weird sound but it came from nowhere.. so Jimin had to be right!

"Hmm. That does sound right.. but we have to be careful. If that's the right warehouse, then there's gotta be secret passageways all around and we just need to find them." Taehyung said and everyone agreed.

"I'll drive." Jungkook pitched in.


The three musketeers made it to the first warehouse with loaded guns, wore a bulletproof chest and smirked, as they had a song play, when they walked the walkway.

"You see me rolling..." as soon as they heard that, they kept walking until they made it to the steep steps, right by the door.

"Okay turn the music off and let's go." Taehyung told Jimin and tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Someone must've locked the door! I was right!" Jimin yelled and Jungkook covered his mouth.

"Well don't shout, otherwise the kid napper will know we are here." Jungkook glared at him as they left the front porch.

"New plan: run?" Jimin sarcastically said.

"Shut the fuck up! Oh my god!" Taehyung rolled his eyes and then sighed.

"Let's hide around the corner so that he/she can't see us."

"Great plan! I was just thinking that Hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin and they all quietly tip-toed like ninjas.

Was this chapter boring? Interesting? Kinda funny? Or a mix of interesting and funny? (Sorry im just super bored, and i promise the next chapter will be so much more interesting)

My arranged marriage- taehyungme ♡Where stories live. Discover now