Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past

Start from the beginning

"The Sabers and the Pack are on their grounds right now. But what? The most anticipated person is not here yet?", Heize dramatically gasps on the mic.

San-E laughs and pats her back. "Nah girl.", he eyes the top part of the cage that surrounded both opposing dance groups. "THAT person is already here!"

There was a noise of the chained cage clattering very loudly.

"You're right handsome.", Heize slams her hands on the audio table.

The two hosts rolled their tongues on the mic and inhaled the smell of the Underground, preparing to make some noise.

"We present to you, the king of THE Underground, the leader of the Pact, Kiiiiit-sune! IT'S SHOWTIME UNDERGROUND SLAVES!", San-E and Heize yells at the microphone.

And the lights went out.

In a monotone pattern, the cages shook. The Sabers slightly flinch from the slamming noises coming from the cage.

Someone was hitting it from the top part.

The Pack members were calm. But grins were glistening from their faces.

Spotlights followed a trail from the floor to the ceiling. And there she was, hanging onto the cages like Spider-Man, tilting her head side to side. Plus her full, white kitsune mask with its red markings. She had her hair up slick and shined and wore the Pack's theme of white and red. A white hoodie and white sweatpants with again, red markings.

Cheers chanted.




The young Kitsune retracts herself and prepares herself to jump to the other side of the cage which was like, twenty feet away from her. It was like a trapeze performance.

She leaps into the middle and barely catches the pole that was hanging there, causing the crowd to gasp. But then again, she's a monkey and jumps to the other side anyways.

The Pack was in a triangle formation as Kitsune drops herself down to the center of the stage kneeling down on one knee.


"Sabers, you are going down!"

The crowd cheered and then it was quiet again as Kitsune slowly stands up.

Slowly, snaps from the music came with an electronic beat became louder and louder and then the colored lights started flashing as Kitsune cracks her head to the side and sharply does a back-flip plus a triple cartwheel.

"It's on now!", the masked Jun shouted.

The group, in synced, began their incredible dance. Eun-ha was on it, provoking the opposing team as she approaches them, shaking her hands together with mocking head tilts. She then goes to the floor, crawling like a jaguar, making them take a few steps back.

Ronnie hisses at her but when she reaches for him with slick movement, he freezes on the spot and gulps.

She then gets pulled away by her members as part of the choreo and lifted her up by her arms and leaped back. Jun and her had their moment as they circled around and stared at each other. Then, the two of them glared at the Sabers and Jun smirks.

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