|| 043 - The Truth ||

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~Some are born to sweet delight..
Some are born to endless night.


It took a mighty force to un-shut the gate. So mighty, that it took the four of us boys to break it open. But, that could've just been due to distraction from the other side of the gate. I could hear a faint "go on, get out of here." Followed by a women's giggle. Don't need to guess what they were doing then.

We didn't even want to waste our voices talking about what had just occurred. Our path was continued, leading to our finish line. The Creator. His head jerked swiftly to us in an instant, cackling slyly at us all. I was seriously wanting to batter him senseless.

"Oh, you're here! You all look so grown up. Aww, bless." Evidently, you could decipher straight away that this sick liability was indeed a God. With chiselled features and a muscular body however a pair of eyes that just had you captivated with fear and disdain. A figure that screamed with intimidation, as he rose from his throne, crafted with bones of the human race.

E, you scared of him, kid? Hell no! None of us were...except for Dion. But I refused to be a slave to him at last. He controlled my whole life. The ultimate definition of a puppet master, Hades, unfortunate "God" of the Underworld. He had us all attached by his toxic strings, demolishing any star of happiness that was visible. But what was his problem? All I wanted to know was...why? Why us?

"Don't patronise us." I growled with utter contempt. I was sick of him treating me like crap. His stringy charcoal locks of hair shook at the movement of his head shaking.

"It's great to see you all together, it really is. And you even brought AJ! Wow, Ely, you really pulled out the stops this time, angry boy." He swirled his chalice around before gulping down the last contents of whatever putrid thing he was drinking.

We stood stationary in a line. Ajax's head didn't stop shaking in disgust as he stressfully bit his lip ring. I didn't want any more stalling to take place.

"I told you. But let's just cut to the chase here. We want you to take this stupid curse you have over us and let us go to live a normal mortal life. We've had enough." I demanded.

"And that includes me." Ajax added, tapping his foot. The scowl that he mustered to his father was richly malevolent, showing no emotion other than anger and vengeance.

"I'm not being kept prisoner here by you anymore, Dad." Hades laughed in our faces. Compose yourself, Roselli.

"You enjoy watching us suffer, don't you? You just love it." Ita spoke out in uncomfortableness from focusing her vision on the monster that walked closer to us.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, Vanity Central, it does give me a hell of a buzz, yeah." Her arms folded across her chest, ready to pounce forward at his nickname given to her.

"What do you expect? You're the special ones! I don't just favour anyone like this, y'know?" Yeah. "Favour"

"How are we special!? You have cursed us with these Sins and made our lives miserable! You've put disorders, anger, crime and violence upon us and you expect us to be grateful!?" I was so proud of my Gia for standing up to this scumbag. I just couldn't help but brush my fingers over hers discreetly. Her eyes were just so empty whilst arguing with him.

"Oh Gia, my dear. How great it is to hear your voice. I thought you would've been dozing off right now. Anyways, you've got a good point. But how could I not pay attention to my step-kids?" That comment had just stunned. Our voices didn't dare to take a chance to interrupt. We wanted to hear what he had to say.


Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon