|| 057 - "Take me." ||

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~ Freedom is a state of mind.


A mighty whirlwind of blinding light struck the whole atmosphere, knocking Hades right off his perch. The nine of us now formed a dome to protect ourselves from any harm, yet I knew that this was not a malicious beam of light unfolding.

My instincts were indeed correct, as there now floated seven individual rods within our reach.

"Persephone, do you know anything about this?" Ita asked baffled. She let out a dense gasp before continuing.

"I don't believe this. When I was returning to collect the rest of my belongings back when I was kicked out, I heard him talking to himself in such a fiery rage about something that he stated he was never going to set eyes on again, as it would mean that his reign of torture against you all would come to an end." It all made sense. For a plethora of Sins, was an exchange for a plethora of Virtues. And those Virtues must've been those sparkling rays.

"Look what you've done, you flaming imbecile." Hades gritted through his teeth, suddenly stumbling to the ground due to a buckling in both knees.

"I've just found our way to freedom you dick." I stated, infested with pride.

"Sorry mum." I could see a minor expression of disgust displayed by my mother so I whispered an apology. After all, she was a pure soul who I felt weird cussing around anyway.

"Oh there's no need to apologise son, you're absolutely right." She jeered, shaking her head at weak man on the floor.

"Well unlucky for you, there's eight of you. There's only seven Virtues so only seven of you will get what you came for." That struck us hard. As I knew full well that the only reason my brother didn't have a light rod was because not only was he a full blood son to the piece of vermin in front of us therefore his natural evil could not be exchanged, but he was an Orbiter. He had every single sin jabbed in his system. There was no other Virtue for him.

Everyone joined hands, shaken up with true fear about the plan of action.

"And before you put more vicious labels on me, I am willing to let Ajax go free, if he takes one of the rods and steals your place. But that means one lucky winner will be kept imprisoned here...permanently." I knew there was a catch. His sly little cackle sent us into a great plunge of fury.

I scanned over the pack, each face swollen with utter sorrow, knowing that one of us was going to have to stay...with him.

"And I'm suddenly feeling generous so I'm leaving it up to you to choose who it is." His comments only left us more enraged. But, I knew that the decision I had made was the correct one. Gia soon reached for my hand, squeezing with such panic which she couldn't help of course.

Mum was trying her hardest to conjure up an alternative, but it was no use.

So there we all were. Standing stationary in a line, breathing in heavily with now everybody's hands connected. My battered hand twitched for a second before lifting my head up. E, this is gonna kill you. But my family's freedom mattered so much more than my own.

With a step forward and a wriggle out of my girlfriend and my Mother's touch, I was about to hand myself over to the devil.


"Take me instead." That voice. That voice was the one I was least likely to hear and my god how distraught I was to hear it. I think everyone was. We all thought this as Sinner as the most vulnerable. We couldn't go through with it.

My head was too stiff to move, however when I felt myself able to confirm who had beaten me to the punch, a part of me practically went along with him.

Dion Tremernché.

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora