|| 031 - A Life Changing Meeting ||

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~ Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices.


Gia was locked in my touch, her face buried into my ragged pitch black jumper as we were the last ones to step foot in the front room. Dion was busy scoffing down crisps until he was the first one to coo at Gia and I's grand entrance.

"Aww well if it isn't the happy couple." Everyone else soon shot their heads to our direction, fascinated by the angry boy, holding a girl under his arm.

My hard exterior was now back shielding my insides as the softie around Gia Neldai, was no more once around Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy and Greed. I at least was able to creep in a smirk, whilst still holding Gia lovingly.

We took our seats within the circle, the last remaining eight pack of Budweiser in the middle, as well as the leftover crisps that were still left, the ones that Dion didn't completely consume yet and some sweets. Not forgetting cigarettes and a bong to complete the get together essentials.

"Okay then....what are we actually gonna do next?" Mona was the first to break into this life changing meeting, pinching a packet of Haribo out of the middle. Gia and I both popped open a bottle of Bud each. I also didn't forget to take a ciggy for later, slotting it behind my ear.

"So, what we need to find out first is where we can find this nut job called The Creator." I stated, sneaking a cheeky swing of my beer, scrunching up my face due to the bitter taste of the alcohol, yet also because of the utter concentration I was channeling within.

Dion began scribbling plans done on numerous pieces of paper, trying his best to keep up the pace with our ideas and thoughts that we were hurling at him. We could see that he was getting stressed, scoffing down double, then triple, then quadruple the amount of junk and beverages down his hatch.

"Woah, woah, Di. Do you need one of us to take over from you for the time being?" Eron inquired, sliding the paper away from him, however, he was having none of it, still persevering through. He lethargically shook his head, however, he still carried onto to stab his pen onto the paper.

"Nah, don't worry it's cool." His sight now didn't even lift from our construction plan, yet just so focused on finding The Creator.

Just give me a sign! We were really struggling to pull back our eyes from napping, whereas for the poor beautiful Daughter of Sloth was already dozing off, the little fluffy kitten. Her arms were already curling across my tough shoulders, her head sticking to one of them, the light brown orbs of hers were trying their very hardest to stay alert.

"So we've got this so far. We're going back to Greece, wait....why are we going back there again?" My mind had just gone blank. Rani was quick to chip in.

"Because I was actually thinking back to the dream you told me about. You said that The Creator said something about Eron's "cousin". Eros?" I nodded, snatching a marshmallow from Gia's drooping hand, in which she playfully smacked me.

"I'm listening, Rani."

"Eros is the God of Lust so-." Before she could continue, Eron was eager to praise his distant "cousin".

"Yes Eros, my man."

"Oh shut up, Eron."

"Hey no need to be salty, Doll." Rani let out a very clear 'ugh', not wanting to even deal with him at this very point in time.

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