|| 005 - Foundational Teamwork ||

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{-} Oh dear Ely. You're so oblivious, aren't ya?

{•} I'm not being controlled by your games anymore. I've woken up.

{-} But you really don't get it do you, sonny?

{•} ...what? What don't I get?

{-} A lot of things bu-


{-} I wanted you to rebel.

{•} What are you talking about, you blockhead?

{-} Easy easy there. I know you're the son of Wrath, obviously because I made you that way but, I'd watch that tongue of yours.

{•} Just tell me. What do you mean? And I want an answer now.

{-} Alright let's just cut to the chase here. I wanted you to rebel...just so I could watch you fail.

{•} Oh believe me. I won't fail.

{-} Oh really!?

{•} I..I won't.

{-} Aww what's up, angry boy? Cat got your tongue?

{•} Oh shut up. I will prove that I'll defeat you. Not just me. But the others.

{-} Others? How are you so sure that there's other's?

{•} Oh please stop trying to mess with my head. I've already found two.

{-} Is that so? You're a bright one, E. What are their names? If you're so certain.

{•} Eron Ticeros. Ita Geo.

{-} Jee whiz! You've found that Eron Ticeros. I'm good friends with his relative y'know? After all he's named after him. Eros, god of Lust. He's sure got his looks off him alright. And Ita! Bloomin' heck her cousins which are some of the 9 muses are sure some characters, just like her. Always talking to themselves in the mirror, those ones.

{•} Wait. You watch them?

{-} Of course! It's quite entertaining, y'know? Completely clueless. Unlike you.

{•} I'm smarter than you think. I will be finding the rest. I'm not giving up on this.

{-} We'll you do whatever you want. I'm not gonna stop you.

{•} Whatever.

{-} Bye then! Have fun!!

{•} ...

{-} Well that was rude. Silly fool doesn't know what he's getting himself into.


I jolted up, the springs of the mattress unsticking from my bare back. Dreams were the only way to communicate with The Creator, the all high and mighty swine. Of course there were things I kept from him, and things he kept from me. No doubt about it however, he couldn't have a clear view into my head of what I was doing, eating etc.

He didn't believe it when I swore to him that I was smarter than he thought I was. I could bet you, that I could annihilate him if I put my might to it, mentally and physically, as I knew things that he couldn't do anything about. Even better, he was completely struck dumb about what I had housed in my intelligent broken brain.

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