|| 045 - Envy's Mother ||

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~Nemesis: Goddess of indignation against, and retribution for evil deeds and undeserved fortune.

Hades' POV
Nemesis, Nemesis, Nemesis. She was a handful your mum, even when I first met her at one of my brother, Zeus' gatherings. But that's why I fell in love with her. Her unresting energy, her witty humour, her constant 'playing hard to get' attitude. Something made me attach to her straight away.

H: Oh Nemesis. You have no idea how thrilled I am that you were invited to my brother's party.

N: Is that so? I maybe the only woman you've plucked up the courage to engage in a conversation with tonight, but I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't see you eyeing up Aphrodite, Amphitrite, Hecate, Harmonia, Iris...need I go on? You're not going to win me over that easily, oldest son of Kronos.

H: I guess I'm not. But what's hurting me to try?

N: And you won't stop trying will you?

H: Stunning and a mindreader. It is my lucky day.

N: I'll get bored of you. I can guarantee that for a fact.

H: Well I'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen don't I? And besides, I'm an Olympian. I'm not like any other god. I'm more powerful, stronger, articulate...

N: And what makes you so sure of that? I'm expecting a child, you're not the only entity to try that line on me.

H: Well who's the lucky guy then?

N: Dead. I don't want to even use that name upon my tongue.

H: You'll need someone to assist you in looking after the kid. Also...you really think that anything will stop me from getting what I want?

N: I guess not. But is that a proposition I sense, son of Kronos?

H: You are correct. Believe it or not, I will look after you both. Not only that, I see that you keep checking out Aphrodite's pearls. I can easily get you some. Or whatever you want.

N: Oh please, I can get whatever I want by myself. But, the more I'm using the time to be associated with you, the more you are becoming more and more persuasive. Like an offer I'd be foolish to refuse.

H: I told you. I'm different. And if you'd be foolish to decline my offer, accept it.


I managed to convince her in the end, after a very lengthy conversation. So immediately she moved in to The Underworld with me, where in the beginning, it was great. We were inseparable, we completed each other and our similar persona complimented divinely like mulled wine to a medium rare sirloin steak. And that lead to a great start of your upbringing.

However, that began to change after not being married very long. I noticed that gradually, my possessions and riches were vanishing. And as well as that, my siblings and other Gods were complaining about their possessions going missing as well. That's when I started to connect the dots.

Your mother didn't return home for hours, even past curfew so I was left to take care of you. You didn't have a father, Rani. I wanted to be there for you the best I could. You were growing up to be a beautiful little girl who I did actually love, more than your mother at one point. And that point, was when I found the one thing that Nemesis was drawn to, Aphrodite's pearls, that were peeping out from under our bed.

I was infuriated. As I went on to find things that other Gods and Goddesses were missing. Even my own stuff! She was stealing it all. So I confronted her when she was arriving back to me and her own daughter that she didn't even care about.

N: What are you still doing up?

H: Not only was I only looking after your only daughter who you don't give a single damn about but I was actually waiting for you to arrive back from stealing everyone's stuff.

N: Alright, you got me. But I'm not remorseful one bit. To be honest, none of you deserve any of that stuff!

H: Is that right!? You are one selfish and envious bitch, you know that?

N: How dare you!?

H: How dare I?! I've just caught you red handed and then you have the audacity to turn this back on me?

N: You don't appreciate anything you have. And you think just because you you're an Olympian, you can get anything you want! How absurd!

H: I don't want to hear anything else. I despise you. Get out this instant!

N: I don't want to stand in this sham fest another minute! I'm taking my daughter and I'm getting out of here for a better life away from the likes of you!

H: Oh no you don't! Rani isn't going anywhere with you. She's staying put. That's the consequence of crossing me. Now, get the hell out before I do something I regret. You are banished from here.


I set Cerberus on her to shoo her out, causing her to drop everything she nicked. Finally, I felt free from her wicked ways. Just looking at her sprinting out of my Underworld, filled me with utter euphoria. But, it was when I turned back to you. Something inside me destroyed the love I had for you, because all I could see in your eyes as you grew older, was your despicable mother.

She constantly haunted my soul and still continues to do so. After I banished her from my life, she used that anger to take matters into her own hands, persecuting anyone who she perceived as unworthy of happiness or good fortune. She used that rage inside of her that I caused to go on to firstly kill Narcissus, by luring him to a pond to stare back at his own reflection in which he fell madly in love with. So she killed him, as she saw fit to punish him for his arrogance. In her eyes, she didn't think Narcissus was worthy of astounding beauty.

So she went awol, with an everlasting tantrum against me. Taking out her malicious envy out on anyone.

I wanted to punish you in every way for being being the child of Nemesis. However, killing you would do me no justice or pleasure, I wanted to see you suffer. So by the time you turned eight years old, I finally found the perfect permanent punishment for you. The Deadly Sin of Envy.

The same one Nemesis was guilty of.

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz