|| 042 - Gateway to Hell ||

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~I worry there is something broken in our generation; there are so many sad eyes on happy faces.



Our journey to the centre or The Underworld seemed what like an eternity. Climbing a mountain of spiralled stairs and creaking collapsing frayed rope bridges which I couldn't even trust myself to cross, due to my immense strength.

"Are we even remotely close yet? This is such a piss take!" I complained to the numpty of a Greek god's son. I assumed that he knew the way to his own fathers realm. And because we couldn't feel any pain, our complaints were about the duration, that was pain to us which was incredibly agonising.

"I don't know! He never lets me up here so just bare with me, okay?" I grunted at his response, clutching onto Gia as support and also as a Wrath relief. It was unsurprisingly very helpful! I knew it would work. After all, she's my girl.

"Alright, alright AJ lad I here you." I was starting to become a little agitated by this point. But we all were so no one was having a go at each other...for once.

"It's okay, AJ. Don't worry, I know that you're just as clueless as we are. We still trust you, especially me." Mona squeezed his hand reassuringly as the two were the first to land flat on the dusty crumbling ground that was now just a straight path. He removed his hand from the girl beside him, only to pull her in closer by housing an arm around her.

Just an endless road was ahead of us. It was that long that the end was invisible, clueless to whether it even had an end. The bond between us all became unbreakable. Each of us had our own pair. Each of us had a Sinner to protect and be their partner for the quest to freedom. Ajax and Mona, Dion and Ita, Rani and Eron...and then us. Ely and Gia.

We somehow felt complete. But on the other hand we were still so far away. The path was starting to show an end. However, we felt nothing, no joy or content flickered through our veins. Numbness was the only feeling. We didn't know what to do, think or say anymore about this lengthy journey that we shared together. But we did know that a storm was coming our way.

As we now walked with boredom between red flamed torches. Not only that, inaudible conversations were now being allowed to fill our ears.

"We're close." Dion sighed, looking as though he was thinking of quitting. But that was just his demeanour unfortunately.

"What are we even gonna say? I have no clue on how to deal with this next." Rani admitted. Eron was quick to comfort her and this time, she didn't push him back or retaliate.

"I'm not sure yet but there's one thing absolutely certain. And I know this is gonna be hard, but under no circumstances can we show any signs of love towards each other. Because I know for certain that will destroy our chance." I agreed with him with a million degrees of confidence. That was the last thing we could do. So when we reached the gate, twisted together of ink black wrought iron with treacherous spikes topping every side, I knew I had to do something that I knew I was going to regret if I chose not to.

"Gia, look at me." My voice remained low as I was cautious of Hades hearing me as I grabbed both her hands and looked into her troubled eyes that were just so terribly bare and empty.

"We're getting married, saving up for a house of our own and staying together with no chance of ever being separated again as soon as we get out of this place, you hear me?" I sped through my bucket list so fast that I still had the same breath to lay a last precious kiss upon her face. I felt her vigorously nodding during our passionate kiss, sandwiching my hothead between her petite dainty hands.

"Please don't ever let me go." She mumbled against my lips before we pulled away and took each other in a lengthy hug that was well needed and longed for.

"Hey! Where's our hug?" Eron cheekily replied as we couldn't resist to tackle ourselves into a massive group hug. The eight of us expressing how grateful we were to each other. And that wasn't all...

"Ita, I need to do something." Dion blurted out and pulled the youngest Sinner, right into his lips.

"And Mona, I know we've only just met but I can't help how I feel about you. And I want to tell you now just in case I never get the chance to." And then bam! A kiss was shared between Mona and AJ. I was so thankful that we were able to show our true feelings before any unexpected events took place and knowing how crafty The Creator was, I knew that there was plenty of those events that were going to commence without a doubt.

It was now time to enter the cage of the beast. The decided of our fate. The destroyer of our lives. We sent a look of care to every Sinner before entering. So with all hands disconnecting, I took the lead to push open the gate. Now, we couldn't even expect anything and we didn't want to, for that would simply just mess up our state of mind. Which would lead to the corrupted ending of our journey.

See you on the other side...

I hope.

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