|| 051 - Wrath's Mother Pt.I ||

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Persephone ~ The goddess of Spring, Queen of The Underworld.


Ely's POV.
I was nearly sick to my stomach at the rancid attitude displayed by this lowlife. Ita's story had just been told, and what was utterly disgraceful...was that she was in complete upset. Hades. What a despicable entity you are.

Wrath was bubbling up as a mighty tsunami about to wipe out everything in its path. Just witnessing any of the Sinners show pure emotion ached my wretched soul. But especially (apart from my Gia) Ita. I felt somewhat an immensely strong bond with her. Like the little sister I was never able to have. And if anyone made her cry...then all hell would break loose if- sorry, when I got my hands on them.

I lunged forward, after witnessing the pain he put, not only on Ita but everyone else.

"I'm gonna knock you out, let lightning strike me down right now, I will wipe that smirk right off that worn down old face of yours." I gritted through my teeth with no remorse nor regret for my threat. And believe me, this threat was far from empty. My fist was about to pummel into Hades' skull, until this mighty force struck back powerfully, causing my balled infuriated fist to jolt back.

He sat there so absent minded, yet incredibly smug that plagued his whole face.

"Steady on! You really don't know who you're dealing with, Roselli. And besides...don't you want to hear about your mother? And believe me, you'll be interested." I stared him down intensely until I was calmed back down by Ajax, pulling me away from his rotten dad.

"C'mon man, you're better than this bro. Just come back in line, it'll be fine, yeah?" I gave him no response, other than to just follow his demand.

I glimpsed over at Gia. I could see that she was about to leap over to my rescue...but both she and I knew that her move could be detected as suspicious, therefore she stayed put. She didn't want to risk our relationship being destroyed once again. I didn't blame her. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Well...are you ready to here this or what!? I'm starting to get very annoyed with you now, Roselli." He huffed, slamming down his putrid green alcoholic liquid that remained bobbing up and down in his glass.

"Well go on then! Get on with it!" My tolerance was far gone by this point. I was done with arguing. I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

He sat back in his measly throne and threw a deep at us all. His face suddenly changed into a bittersweet frown as he prepared himself to unleash into another story time.

Hades' Pov.
You'll understand why I kept yours until last. It's because it's the wife I was the most in love with. I even explain to you how deep in love I was with her. Ugh...just looking at you now, I see her. You have so many of her features. It actually makes me physically sick. I'll just put us both out of our miseries.

Persephone. That's who your mother is.

Oh god, now that was a woman who was pure platinum perfection. She was my entire love. My one actual true love, who I felt like my whole destiny revolved around. I was always in love with her, even at the time where I was already to Nemesis. But, of course, she was in fact my niece but that really doesn't matter to me.

My main issue was with her mother, my sister. Demeter. Of course I was grateful for some of the things she had done for me with regarding my other crazy wives. But, she definitely crossed the line when she didn't allow Persephone and I's relationship, let alone marriage.

Now, she was never a display of Wrath, in fact I was, for what she did to me. However, her name did mean "the destroyer". And now I despise her, but at the same time...I absolutely adore her.

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