Jack... I need to

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We we're finally back Paris was a blast but I still want to finish school. It's my last year before I become a queen. I went to my room and my bags were in my room already. I go to the living room just making myself feel at home. Then I hear a knock at the door I get up and go to my door and open it. I see jack with his hoodie put. He was acting wired on the way back to school. "Come in". He walks in and goes straight to the living room and sits their not even turning on the lights. I knew now something was wrong. I walk to the couch and sit right next to him. "Jack what's wrong" he looks at me "Elsa you remember what I told you about my family". When I saw his eyes I knew he was crying before "yea what's the problem". He looks down I hear him sniffle "today the day they died" I didn't know what to say because he blames himself for their death. "Jack it's okay " while giving him a hug. "Elsa?"

He parted the hug "yes jack" a long pause was now in the room. "What's going to happen after this year" I didn't know the answer to that question either "I don't know jack" he gets up and started to walk around the room. "I have no one, no family who going to help me!? Me and you we live on different sides of the world. I can't stay here forever ELSA WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?!?". He drops to the floor and starts to hit the floor and now the floor is turning to ice. I run to jack "jack it's going to be okay" he looks at me " I don't want to lose you elsa your the only one that isn't dead". "You won't lose me I promise". After the talk I took him to my bed and he slept their, the rear of the night questions were going thought my head but my head started to hurt badly.


We were back to the normal schedule waking up early getting ready and living a life of a school person. I wake up with a really bad headache I go to the bathroom and take one Advil and go to the kitchen. When I entered the room jack was making breakfast he puts the plates down and hugs me while lifting me up. I laugh "well isn't my wonderful boyfriend making breakfast for us" he laughs " nope just for me" I make a mad face he kisses my cheek"I'm kidding " we eat and he leaves to his dorm to change. I get ready for school I wear a black shirt high wasted shorts and a teal blazer with white flats. I head out the door and of corse jack is waiting for me. "Ready snowflake" I giggle but start to feel lightheaded I trip a bit "snowflake are you okay?" Jack ask me "yeah I'm fine probably not enough sleep" and we start walking to class.

I'm in class with mere and punzie I didn't feel well my head felt like it was going to burst from the pounding of my brain. "Ey Elsa you okay" mere ask me " yeah I'm fine I'm going to the restroom" I got up and took one step and next thing I know I'm on the floor. Holding my head crying screaming from the headache. A feel something drip from my nose I touch it and look at my hand it was blood and then I past out .


I'm in the office I was doing a project and they called me up. Then I see mere and punzie come out of the office crying. They see me and run to me "JACK IM SORRY " I was confused " what why?" They looked at each other "Elsa.... She she" right when they said her name I lost control "WHAT HAPPENED" waiting for answers " she in the hospital she fell in class and blood started to come off of her nose " I didn't care if I had to wait in the office I ran to the hospital. I go to the desk " ELSA ARENDELLE ROOM PLEASE NOW " she looks at me with a sad face "room 4d left wing" I run as fast as I can and I see her their sleeping with a mask on her face "ELSA" I go to the side of her bed and hold her hand crying.

A doctor ten comes in "mr.frost" I get up "yes" he sticks his hand out I shake it "hello I'm Elsa doctor" I sit down "I'm her boyfriend did you call her sister" "yes we did she will come tomorrow but she said I should inform you what going on" I look at Elsa and then at him"okay what's wrong with her?". He opens the charts " it's seem that she has something on her brain but lucky it's not a tumor". I gasped and I feel someone hold my hand it was Elsa "ELSA OH MY GOSH YOUR SCARED ME SNOWFLAKE" I kiss her head "yes well mr. Frost we need to give her surgery " It takes me time to process it "okay that's fine" he then looks at Elsa and walks closer to her " Elsa I'm sorry to say this surgery is a 75% that you might make it" "WHAT NO NO YOU NEED TO FINE A DIFFERENT WAY THEN" "mr.frost this is the only wa-" "NO YOU LISTEN SHE IS MY TRUE LOVE AND THE ONLY ONE I HAVE SHE WONT TAKE IT IF SHE MIGHT DIE " "j-jack" I look down it was Elsa " jack I need to do this " my heart broke

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