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Elsa Pov:

Next day

I couldn't sleep all I did was cry Punzie Mare and Autumn try to help me it was no use. I cryed and cryed I didn't want to see anyone I was in my bed hearing sad music. The funeral would be in two weeks and also that when I graduate from here I will be queen. "Elsa Um someone is here to see you " Autumn said I knew she felt bad for me. When she saw me breakdown yesterday shes been trying to make me happy. I was laying down on my bed facing the wall. "Okay Autumn" I was still crying I can hear footsteps come closer to me and that person is now sitting in my bed "Elsa I been trying to facetime you " It was jack I stood up straight I was crying my eyes out still.He Huged me "I'm so sorry for lose but I'm here for you" I was crying in to his chest. "I didn't even tell them that I loved then I just waved a good-bye and left and n-now their gone" My eyes were like waterfalls. "shhhhhh, its okay you still have a still that loves you and friends that do to.Be lucky you still have a sister". I parted our hug "w-what happened to them " he gelded my hands "My family and I when to go ice skating I froze the pond and i thought it was thick enough to skate on but". He started to cry " I didn't know how to skate so I watch them and then the ice started to crack and they all went in... I didn't give them a proper good-bye either". I started to cry "I'm sorry" I felt bad I still had a sister but he didn't. "Elsa dont cry for what you lost cry for what you have" I looked at him at him and hugged him "Jack promise me that you will always be their for me "

Jack Pov:

"Jack promise me that you will always be their for me" I pick her head up and looked in her eyes their were broken. Our face were close and we kissed I cupped her face and her hands were around my neck. My body felt warm I patter the kiss "Elsa I promise I will always be their for you" she was crying "I dont want to get hurt" I could see her fear though her eyes the fear of Being inlove I knew that I was to but I love her. Their were other girls but she was different "You won't " I said and I meant it I never wanted to hurt her.

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