secret hangout

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Jack Pov:

We were away from that boring tour now. I grabbed her hand and starter to make our way to the garden. People hardly seen this place its because its behind the element dorms. Before I openest the gates I covered Elsa eyes and then brought her to the middle of the garden."Jack Omg this is so beautiful" she was amazed at the view you could see everything this was my hand out. The rest of the group never been here. She the only one I ever brought here. "How did you find this place " she smiled that beautiful smile "well one day I got really mad at everyone and I came behind the dorms and then I kicked a rock and found this place. I guess everyone forgot got about this place". "Wow how could anyone forget this place its so beautiful " she said. We spented hours talking and playing around we made snow angels and had snowball fight. She was so bubbly she giggled about everything. I knew she was confident around me with her powers because she took off her gloves. She looked like a kid but she was truly that funnest person ever.

Elsa Pov:

Me and Jack said our goodbyes he walked me to my dorm I gave him a hug "Thanks for a great day" I smiled "couldn't of happened if I didn't meet you so thank you". I saw him walk away 5 doors down and enter his room.  I opened my door and saw Punzie,Mare, and Autumn "Omg Elsa where have you been " Autumn screamed at me " Omg clam down I was with jack" Their mouth droped "Omg what did you guys do" punzie said " well we talked and messed around together " I said while I was going to my bed. "Did he take you to him hide out?" mare asked me I nodded "Do you like him? " Autumn asked me "No hes only a friend but he told that hes going to be my bestfriend " after that they we started talking about how we cant wait for tomorrow. Mare and Punzie left when it hit 7 and when they left Autumn and me went to sleep.

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