Friday Class

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"Autumn are you done yet were going to be late" I said while i was pinning my braide together in a bun "Yeah just one moment" she answered back from the bathroom. I wore a Blackshirt and in blue letters it says Frozen and i wore ripped jeans with my blue converse. I got my bag from the living room and then Autumn came out with a red dress on and her hair curly. "Wow why are you dolled up " She giggled "Its Friday I always dress up on Fridays" she said while getting her bag. We both heard a knock on the door we both looked at eachother confused. I open the door and Jack was their and he was dolled up to "Okay what the snowflake why is everyone dolled up" He wore a blue button down shirt with black pants and converse. He chuckled "Hey you go my lady " he gave me a white rose one of my favorites "Jack it beautiful thank you" I gave him a hug and we were of to class.

Jack Pov:

5th period just started and I sat down next to Autumn. "Well look at this it Elsa boyfriend " I laughed "shut up so what if I like her it dosent matter " she looked at me "It is actually you dont ever like girls they like you. And Elsa is really different if you like her you go to make a different and never let her go". I couldn't say anything else because the teacher walked in. All during class I though of Elsa.

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