14. Captain

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I'd catch a grenade for ya

Throw my hand on a blade for ya

I'd jump in front of a train for ya

You know I'd do anything for ya

Oh oh, I would go through all of this pain

Take a bullet straight through my brain

Yes, I would die for you, baby

-Grenade by Bruno Mars



(EXO Kris with Tao Imagine)

The basketball game has just ended and as usual his team again brought home the bacon. You were right now waiting outside their locker room to congratulate him.

"What are you doing here?" Margaret asked.

Margaret was your classmate. She's popular in your school because she's the cheerleader of your pep squad.

But for you, there is only one word that best describes her -- mean.

"Marg, let us go. Don't waste your time talking to a girl like her." Alice said. She is one of her friend who was standing behind her.

"She's right Marg. Dea is just nothing compare to you. Come on!" Bea her other friend butted in.

"Just give me a minute girls. I just wanted to make things clear for her." Margaret retorted.

"What do you want again from me?" You asked.

"You are asking me, what do I want from you? So do I really have to repeat it all over again? Are you that stupid not to even remember?"

"I don't know what you are talking about Margaret." You answered.

"Really? You don't know or you are just pretending like you don't know?!" She grumbled.

"Marg! Calm down." Bea said as she held her arm.

"Let go of me. This girl is really getting in my nerves."

You were getting afraid as Margaret looked at you furious. She was getting closer to you while you take a step back. What is she planning to do?

"Marg, whatever you are planning to do. Stop it! You don't want to be in guidance office right?" Alice trying to stop her.

"I won't be in guidance, if you girls will just shut your mouth." She blurted back.

Then she looked back at you as she held both tightly your arms.

"Margaret! What do you want? Let go of me please!" You begged.

Her grip was too tight and it was hurting you.

"What do I want? Simple? Stay away from Kris! You flirt!" She shouted as she pushed you away and fell on the floor.

She laughed at you as her two friends did the same.

You were already crying as you couldn't get on your feet.

"Look at you now, such a helpless fellow." Margaret said as she laughed.

Suddenly, you felt an arm around your waist. You looked up and was surprised to see your knight in shining armor.

"Kris." You uttered.

He helped you to stand up. He took his handkerchief on his pocket and wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Stay here. Let me give me this girls their own dose of medicine. Tao come over here."

"No Kris! You don't have to." You tried to stopped him but Tao blocked your way.

"Don't worry Dea, Captain knows what he is doing." Tao assured.

"H-hey T-team C-captain." Margaret greeted tensely.

Alice and Bea was just behind her. They were hugging each other. They were afraid to Kris who's face was really frightening.

"How dare you even do that to the girl that I love?!" Kris shouted.

"I d-didn't do a-anything! And besides she started it Captain!" Margaret defended.

"You shut up! How could you even lie to me huh? I saw what you did to her! Now let me tell you something. Not just to you but to all of you." He looked also to the two girls behind her.

"Don't you even dare hurt Dea or else, I will not have any second thoughts but to punch your faces. I don't even give a damn if you are girls. Because once you hurt the girl that I love, there are no exceptions for me. Get it?!"

They all nodded.

"Now disappear in my sight now!" He commanded.

And in just a matter of seconds they all ran away.

"That was amazing Cap!" Tao exclaimed as he laughed.

Kris smirked then he looked at you as he held your hand.

"Are you okay? Shall we bring you to the clinic?" He concernly asked.

"No, I'm fine. Just little bruises." You answered.

He examined your arm and you were right there were bruises. He hissed. "Aish! Those girls. I should at least slapped their faces. Look what they did to you!"

"Kris!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure, no one will ever dare to hurt you again." He said as he hugged you.

"I know. Thank you so much Kris." You replied.


*For @desviliadeaaa! :) THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING! :)

More Imagines will be uploaded later. ^_^

- GMJM :)

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