3. First Kiss

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I'm into you,

And girl,

No one else would do.

Cause with every kiss and every hug

You make me fall in love.

And now I know I can't be the only one

- With You by Chris Brown



(EXO Baekhyun Imagine)

I love you You love me

We're a happy family

With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.

Won't you say you love me too

You smiled as he sang that song for who knows how many times ever since the world began.

"Baekyun-ah." You said as he was now hugging you from behind while you were mixing the chocolate frosting.

"Why?" He whispered as his chin was now resting at your shoulder while his hand held yours as he joined you mixing the frosting with the wooden spoon.

"I think it's inappropriate for us being close like this. Mihyun might see us." You said.

Baekhyun took a glance of her five year old sister at the living room who was now currently hooked on watching her favorite cartoon show.

"She's busy and besides we are not doing anything wrong." He replied as he now again wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I know. But really Baekhyun, I can't focus on what I'm doing if you are snuggling to me like this." You said as you can feel your cheeks blushing with him this close to yours.

"Then what should I do? Rachel, I feel like I'm so useless just watching for that cake to be done." He replied as he pouted his lips.

You put down the wooden spoon as you turn around and face him. You held his face in between your hands and smiled.

"Aw. Don't be like that Baekhyun. And besides, I promised that I will bake you a cake for our first anniversary right?" You said.

"Yeah." He replied but then he was still frowning.

"But why are you still sad?" You asked.

"Ahmm.." Baekhyun pursed his lips. You actually promised him another thing for your anniversary but then he's too shy to say it.

You were still looking at him waiting for his answer when suddenly you heard the ting of the oven.

"Oh great! Wait a second." You said as you checked the cake at the oven.

Baekhyun was there left standing as he watched you put out the cake. Did she really forget about it.

"Baekyun-ah! Come on, help me put the frosting on the cake." You said.

His thoughts were suddenly shrugged off. He went to your side as you taught him how to put the chocolate frosting.

However, he couldn't help but still think about it. He was stealing glances at you and he couldn't help but blush by the thought of whether he should ask you about your other promise. He felt like it was too embarrassing to tell.

You noticed that he seemed to be quiet this time when a while ago he kept on singing that Barney song to you for like an endless time.

"Are you okay Baekyun-ah?" You asked as you drape your arm over his shoulder.

"Ah yeah yeah. So are we now done?" He replied trying to shift the conversation.

"Not yet. But we just have to put these strawberries on top and then we are all done!" You answered while you were putting the slices of strawberries on top of the cake.

He was there standing as he watched you.

"Want some?" You said as you offered him a strawberry.

He opened his mouth as you fed him with the strawberry.

"It's sweet isn't it?" You said as you smiled.

He just nod his head and then suddenly his eyes landed on your lips. Does the taste of her lips much sweeter than the strawberries?

"Okay we're done! Baekhyun, can I have your phone so we could take a picture of it!" You exclaimed but then you notice he was just staring at you and not responding.

"Hello! Earth to Baekhyun! Are you okay?" You asked as you were waving your hands in front of his face.

Baekhyun realized he was zoning out. Aissh what am I thinking! He shook his head. "Sorry I was just thinking of something. Ahm, what were you asking a while ago?" He spoke.

"I said let me have your phone so we could take a picture of our anniversary cake." You said.

"Oh! Here." He said as he took out his phone and handed it to you.

You captured a picture of the cake then afterwards that the two of you had a selca together.

After that, you wrapped both of your arms around his neck as you tiptoed and kiss him full on his lips.

Baekhyun did not see this coming as his eyes widened in surprise as your lips touches yours. And right now his heart beat doubled faster than ever.

You pulled away from him as you smiled. Baekhyun stared at you as he was left speechless.

"Happy First Anniversary Baekhyun! I love you." You said.

"I love you too. I thought you forgot." He replied.

"No I did not. I just want to make it a suprise." You responded.

Baekhyun smiled as he pulled you close to his.

He never thought that his first kiss was more sweeter than strawberry.

It was sweeter than anything else.


*This Baekhyun Imagine is requested by @royallykorean. Thanks for requesting! I hope I did not disappoint you. :)

- Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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