2. Bloody Mary

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Because i can't sleep til you're next to me

No i can't live without you no more

Oh i stay up til you're next to me

Til this house feels like it did before

Feels like insomnia

- Insomnia by Craig David



(EXO Sehun Imagine)

Today is June 13, 2014, Friday.

Time check is 11:59pm.

Everything is perfect.

You were now inside the bathroom facing the mirror. It was only the light from the candle that you were holding on your left hand that lits up the whole place.

You only have one minute left and you couldn't help but have mixed emotions right now. There is no backing out. You had been longing to try this ever since you were fond of watching horror movies. You were truly curious on what would appear at the mirror after you summon repeatedly her name. Some say you might see the face of your future husband at the mirror or just like what you usually see in movies or television, a corpse or ghost might appear.

And what is her name? It was the Bloody Mary.

As you looked at your watch there were only 15 seconds left 'till the clock strikes 12. And every tick tock of the clock makes your heart pounds louder and faster.

Ten seconds left.











"Bloody Mary." You whispered while you can feel all your hairs at your skin rising up as you utter her name.

"Bloody Mary." You said for the second time.

You were still facing the mirror but nothing is happening yet. Nothing has appeared yet.

They say you have to utter her name for three times and then something will appear.

So for the third and last time you called her name.

"Bloody Mary." You spoke.

Suddenly, your eyes widened as a face of a guy appeared at the mirror. But the guy was so familar to you. He is your boyfriend.

"Sehun?" You whispered still you couldn't believe.

"Yes this is me Hye Kyung. What do you think you are doing?" He replied.

You gasped as you were shocked that the reflection at the mirror was talking to you.

"Are you really talking?" You asked as you moved your face closer to the mirror.

When suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder as you shrieked in horror. The candle slipped off your hands as it fell on the floor and lose its fire.

It was totally dark now.

"Sehun? Sehun! Where are you?!" You hollered as you were now down on your knees trembling in fear.

"I'm just here." He spoke as he placed his hand on top of your shoulder, letting you know that he was just standing beside you.

You immediately stood and hug him tight.

"I am so afraid." You said as you were in tears. You are indeed afraid of the dark.

"Well I think you should be." He replied.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

And as you looked up to see his face, you immediately pulled away from him. His eyes were red while blood was dripping all over his face. He looked so horrible.

"Hye Kyung, are you afraid of me?" He asked in an icy tone as he was moving closer towards you.

"S-sehun! This is not funny. Stop this!" You shouted as you were taking a step back towards the door.

"Do you think I am making fun of you? I don't think so." He replied as he evilly grin. He was now holding a knife in his hand.

You have no room to escape anymore as your back now hitting against the door. You were trying to open the door but you couldn't. You were already crying and yelling for help but it seemed like no one can hear you.

"Goodbye Hye Kyung." He said.

"Noooo!" You screamed as he was about to stabbed you.

"Hye Kyung! Hye Kyung!"

Someone shouted your name near your ear as you immediately open your eyes.

And the next thing you know, you were enveloped in his warm embrace.

"Hush babe. I'm already here." He comforted as he was rubbing your back.

"I thought it was real." You whispered.

He pulled away as he cupped your face.

"Tell me. Did you had a bad dream?" He asked.

You nodded.

"Aissh! I told you we shouldn't watch that movie. I know you Hye Kyung. You get nightmares when you watch horror films." He lectured as he shook his head.

"Sorry." It was all you had said.

He just let out a loud sighed and looked again at you.

"It's okay babe. Don't worry, I am already here. You will not get nightmares anymore." He said as he held both of your hands and smiled at you.

"You will sleep beside me?" You asked sheepishly.

"Yes I will. Now move." He ordered.

You obeyed what he said as you gave him space for him to lay beside you.

You placed your head over his arm while his other arm were wrapped around your waist.

"Now go to sleep babe." He whispered as he kissed your forehead.

"Thank you. I love you Sehun." You replied.

"I love you more babe." He said.


*Second request is from @flxwers_

I tried my best to make it scary because that is how you want your plot to be. But then I still wanted to end it sweet so yeah notice the last part. As you can see it is my first time to write that kind of genre. Haha! :P

Hope to know what you can say about it! :)

Thanks for requesting anyway!

- Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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