4. Rubix Cube

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I can't pretend that I'm just a friend

'cause I'm thinking maybe we were meant to be

I think I'm fallin', fallin' in love with you

and I don't, I don't know what to do

I'm afraid you'd turn away

but I'll say it anyway

I think i'm fallin for you

- Fallin' by Janno Gibbs



(EXO Luhan Imagine)

You were there sitting at the side of his bed as you watch him put his clothes inside his suitcase. He will be leaving to China tomorrow and it was heartbreaking for you.

It is heartbreaking not because he is leaving. It is because even until now, you are so dumb to confess that you like him.

You thought at first that it was just a simple admiration. But then your feelings for him started to develop when you reached highschool.

However the downside of it was that Luhan only sees you as his bestfriend. You couldn't blame him. You both grew up together. Ever since you were kids, you were already inseparable. You love to share stories, tell each other a secret, watch your favorite cartoon and play until the sun goes down.

He was your favorite playmate and so was he.

Then when you both became teenagers, you see Luhan as not just a playmate anymore nor just a friend or even a bestfriend. For you, Luhan was the guy who made your heart skip a beat everytime you see him smile, who sends butterflies in your stomach when he holds your hand and who makes you smile just merely thinking about his face.

It was only Luhan who made you feel this way.

"Are you okay?" Luhan asked as he settled next to you. He observed that you were not talking while he was packing up his things.

No I'm not okay Luhan. You are leaving and up to now I still don't have the courage to tell you what I truly feel for you.

You looked to him and forced a smile. "Yes I am."

Luhan knew that you were lying because you couldn't looked at him straight in the eye.

He knew you were truly upset that he is leaving. If only you know how much he wanted also to stay but he couldn't. A university in China offered him a full scholarship plus an opportunity for him to join the national soccer team. Soccer had been his favorite sports ever since he was young and to compete in FIFA world cup was one of his greatest dream. And so when he had this rare opportunity, he didn't have any second thoughts but to merely accept it.

"Christine." He said which made you looked up to his face this time. If you could only have the power to stop time, you would as long as you could stare like this in his eyes forever.

He took out the rubix cube from his pocket. It was the rubix cube that you gave him during his 16th birthday, 2 years ago. And you were surprised that he was able to finally solve it.

"You finally solve it? Since when?" You asked.

"Believe it or not. I just solve this last night." He answered.

"Oh really?" You reacted.

"Yeah. Thanks to you Christine, I will not be able to solve it without you." He said.

Your brows furrowed. You did not taught him at all because from the fact that you don't know how to solve it too. "Me? How come Luhan?"

Luhan smiled as reached out for your hand. "Yes. You help me figure this out. You know this rubix cube is just like me." He said.

You don't know why but with his words, you are getting confused. "Why do you say so?" You asked.

"Because my mind was like this rubix cube. All this time I am getting topsy turvy. Just like every twist and turns of this cube, I don't know which way I would go. And so last night, when I finally solve it, I was also able to make up my mind. Christine, I don't think we can be bestfriends anymore." He said as he stare deeply into your eyes.

Tears just fell from your eyes with his last words. I don't think we can be bestfriends anymore.

"Why Luhan? Did I do something wrong? I know you are leaving but I don't think it's right for you to say that. I can't lose you." Your voice almost shaking.

Luhan cupped your face as he spoke, "Christine look at me. Don't cry okay?"

"How can I stop crying? You just said you don't want me to be your bestfriend anymore." You muttered.

"Yes that's true. It is because I think I am inlove with you Christine and how stupid I am to only realize that last night." He confessed.

You were dumbfounded with what he had confessed. Luhan loves me? He also feels the same?

Then he leaned his face closer to yours as your forehead touched.

"And I want you to wait for me 'till I come back. I love you Christine. I really do." He whispered.

"I love you too Luhan. And I will wait for you." You replied.


*Another Luhan Imagine for @christine_Han7. What can you say? :)

Vote and comment! ^^

To other requesters, don't worry just wait and your Imagine will be soon published.

- Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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