7. Truth or Dare

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As girls, we have our own wishes on how will our first kiss would be like.

It could be under a mistletoe, in the rain or with candlelights everywhere.

In short, it should be romantic.

However, one thing I am for sure, first kiss will always be unforgettable.

- Reena


This is for @ByunBaek_! Thank you for requesting! Enjoy reading. :)



(EXO Jongdae Imagine with EXO M)

"I'm bored." Tao spoke.

"Me too." Luhan added.

"So what do we do now? We are now done with our project. Maybe we could go home." Lay suggested.

"But I don't want to go home yet it is still raining hard outside." Xiumin answered.

"Same here." Kris agreed.

"Well if you guys don't want to go home yet, what do you want us to do?" You asked.

You were all sitting forming a circle at the floor. You were actually in Chen's room as you did your group project in Natural Science. However, the rain started to pour hard so all of you were now stuck in his room waiting for it to stop.

A bright idea suddenly came in to Chen's mind. "Why don't we play Spin the Bottle?" He said.

"I like that! What do you guys think?" Luhan inquired as he all looked at you.

You all nodded your heads and agreed. "Game!"

Chen got to his feet and went to the kitchen to find an empty bottle. Then few minutes after, he returned to his room bringing with him an empty bottle of wine.

"What took you so lung huh? Don't tell me you drink that whole thing before you went here?" You asked pointing to the bottle.

The guys laughed at what you said that made them earn a glare from Chen.

"Aw my boyfriend is pissed." You cooed as you clung on his arm and smiled.

"No I am not Kryst." Chen replied as he pinched your cheek gently.

The rest of the guys were staring at the both of you. Luhan, Xiumin, Lay and Kris smiling because on how the two of you were being so sweet while Tao looking at the both of you in disgust.

"Aish! The two of you enough of that lovey dovey moment. Let's start the game now!" Tao grumbled.

"You are just envious because until now, you can't get yourself a girlfriend." Xiumin teased as all of you laughed.

Tao rolled his eyes. You'll see.

"Okay that's enough guys. So shall we start?" Luhan asked as he was looking at all of you while his hand gripping the bottle getting ready for a spin on the floor.

You all nodded their heads as he started to spin the bottle.

"This is exciting!" Lay exclaimed as he was rubbing his palms together.

The bottle stopped and it pointed on you.

All eyes were on you now as you spoke, "Truth."

"Hmm what good question to ask?" Luhan wonder as he was thinking while his hand under his chin.

"Oh! I know one good question." Kris said as he eyed on you and smiled devilishy.

His smile was creeping you out. What is this guy thinking?

"What is it?" Lay asked.

All of you looked at Kris.

"Well, did you and Chen already kissed?" He asked cheekily.

You and Chen exchanged shy glances. And from what Kris observed as both you and Chen's face turned into crimson, he knew already what's your answer.

You looked down and shook your head. It's a no.

You heard Luhan, Lay, Xiumin and Tao reacted "oh" and then looked at Chen as they flashed a grin. Chen felt like he just wanted to disappear on that moment in embarrassment.

"Well then, it's a clear no. Let us continue. It's your turn to spin the bottle Kryst." Kris said as he was breaking the awkward atmosphere.

You obeyed and as the bottle began to whirl around.

And it turned out that it's the couple's lucky day as the bottle halted and pointed out to Chen.

"Truth or dare?" You asked him.

"Dare!" Chen answered.

"Well then, this is perfect!" Kris exclaimed.

"Perfect?" You and Chen reacted.

Then you saw Kris whispered something on Luhan and after that they both laughed.

Chen looked at them confused. What is Kris up to this time?

"Are you guys done with your chitchat so I can give Chen his dare?" You intervened.

"Oh that? I think it would be best if we will give the dare." Luhan said.

"But it was suppose to by my turn!" You whined.

"No Kryst because the dare we will give to Chen involves you." Kris spoke.

"Me?" You asked.

And they both nodded their heads.

"So what is it? Come on tell me now! I am waiting guys." Chen said who was starting to get impatient.

"Kiss Kryst on the lips." Luhan ordered.

Chen was shocked and so do you. Seriously, we will have our first kiss in front of this guys?

"Kryst." Chen called as he was already leaning slowly closer to you.

You just closed your eyes and as he was getting closer you could feel his breath brushing your face. He held your face in between his hands and with his touch, your heart beats faster.

And as his lips touches yours, your body stiffened and butteflies started hovering in your stomach.

"I guess we have to leave them both now." Xiumin whispered to the guys.

They all nodded as they tiptoed and left the room silently.

Looks like you and Chen were so engrossed with your first kiss. :)

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