1. Luck or Fate

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You won't find faith or hope down the telescope

You won't find heart and soul in the stars

You can break everything down to chemicals

But you can't explain a love like ours

- Science and Faith by The Script



(EXO Luhan Imagine)

After school, you always go directly to the park nearby and sat among the benches underneath the cherry blossom tree. You would usually stay here for a couple of minutes and just enjoy yourself being alone until the sunsets.

You looked at your watched and checked the time. It was already 5:30 in the afternoon. You then decided to leave. You stood from your seat and grabbed your backpack.

"Excuse me, is this yours?"

You turned your back and was stunned with the guy standing in front of you. He looked so beautiful. You were staring at his face, adoring its every features. From his eyes, nose and lips, it was like close to perfection. No. He looked so perfect.

"Ahm. Excuse me? Is this hanky yours?" He inquired for the second time and that made you snapped back to your senses. You were not aware that you had been staring at his face for a longer time. You suddenly felt your cheeks heating up.

You looked at the handkerchief and recognize that it was truly yours.

"Ah y-yes t-that's m-mine. T-thanks." You stuttered as you took the hanky from his hand and shyly smiled.

The guy also smiled and found it cute that you were stuttering.

"You are welcome. I'll go ahead." He said as he smiled. Then he turned his back and walked out.

You were sad that you didn't even had a chance to know his name. You wanted to run after him but then you thought that it would be embarrassing to do so. You then decided to just forget about it and just leave the park.

You walked until you reach the bus stop. Good thing the bus arrived as soon as you came. You stepped up the bus and settled to a seat near the window.


You craned your head at your side to know who called your name. You were surprised to see again the guy who returned your hanky a while ago at the park. He was seated beside you. But then you were more dumbfounded that he knows your name.

"W-wait. How did you know my name?" You asked.

"I saw it at your handkerchief." He answered as he smiled.

You took out the handerkerchief at your pocket. You poked your forehead on how likely you can forget that your grandmother loves to gave you handkerchiefs with your name personally embroidered on it.

"You have a nice name." He said as his eyes were focus on your name embroidered at the hanky.

"Thanks." You replied as you smiled. You suddenly blushed with the compliment he uttered.

"Aren't you gonna ask what's my name?" He asked as he pouted.

"Oh sorry. How impolite of me. So what's your name?" You replied.

"My name is Luhan." He answered.

Your eyes widened because his name sounded like yours.

"Luhan? Really?" You said still in disbelief.

"Yes. Luhan. As in L-u-h-a-n." He answered.

You giggled as he really did spell out his name for you.

"Well, then you have a really nice name too." You said.

"Thank you. I think this must be my lucky day." He replied.

You looked at him puzzled. "Lucky day? Why did you say so?"

"Well, this is my lucky day because I finally know the name of the girl I had been always waiting to see at the park. What makes it more interesting is that her names sounds the same as mine. And now, I am seated next to her." He said.

You were there left speechless. You couldn't believe that he had been eyeing on you all this time every time you were at the park. You couldn't understand why but suddenly your heart began to race as he was now looking deeply in your eyes.

Luhan reached out for your hand at your lap and squeezed it.

"But I think it's not just luck. I guess it is fate. Don't you think LuAnn?"


*First request is from @LuAnnExo. Thanks for being my first customer! Kekeke~ I hope you like it! This is my first try so sorry if ever it doesn't turn out the way you want it to be.

To other requesters, just please wait. I will try to finish some today.

And please be reminded that this is only an Imagine so expect that it won't be that long okay?

I would like also to extend here my gratitude for those who supported Clash Academy. We are close on getting 1M reads and currently we are #31 on Fan Fiction. YAY! ^_^



- Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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