Angst!S. Coups [4/Final]

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Everyday seemed to progressively get worse. It was always your fault though. Seungcheol came to visit you 3 times a day but every night you found yourself in some sort of trouble. Whether it was overflowing your personal tub, starting a fire on the stove, or breaking a hole into the wall, you did it.

Seungcheol gave you everything you could ever need, yet you still defy him. Today was already a bad day, so he definitely wasn't in the mood to deal with whatever antic you put up today.

"Alright [Y/N], when I walk in you better be sitting peacefully on a chair or something!" He shouted at the door, taking out his anger on anything he could. He only waited five seconds before throwing the door open, indefinitely making a dent in the wall behind it.

He surveyed the room, unhappy with his findings. "I told you to be in plain sight, not hiding from me." His voice was becoming even more filled with fury. Starting to search for you more seriously, he noticed something shining near the back of the room. Glass.

Seungcheol looked near the ceiling, to the high window it had installed so you would get some light. It was broken, with drops of blood sitting upon the sharp edges. You managed to get out without being hurt too bad, because you weren't there when he checked outside. He made everyone search for you but there was no trace.

Except for the chip he had stuck to your back, where you'd never find it. Vernon would easily be able to find you with this, but that doesn't make the situation any better. Your disobedience was making him sick.

"Where is she?" Seungcheol yelled as he rushed into Vernon's computer room, seeing that he was already onto tracking you himself.

"You sure you wanna hear?"

"Fucking tell me."

He let out a heavy breath, "[Y/N] was tracked to an unknown location," Vernon signaled for Seungcheol to let him finish, "However, we got pictures of the location that give us all the information we need." He pulled up the mentioned pictures and zoomed into a man who was in the picture.


"Fuck- Everyone needs to be ready to go in five minutes. We're tearing that damn building down!" He shouted as he nearly kicked the door down.

"Man, I need that door! I do important stuff in here, you know!" Seungcheol ignored Vernon's cries. Clearly, he had more important things to worry about.

"Soonyoung, you're coming straight with me, let's go." Seungcheol boomed as soon as they all started pouring out of the car. Not wanting to upset his boss any further, Soonyoung quickly complied. Everyone else followed behind, with some slack. Before they even reached the front door it bursted open, revealing Bangtan and [Y/N].

Seungcheol bolted straight for Jin. "I'm gonna kill you, pretty boy." It was a failed attack though, because Jin simply stepped to the side and dodged him.

"While I'm flattered that you call me pretty, [Y/N] didn't come to get with me," Jin brushed his hair to the side with a smile, "She came to tell me we can't see each other anymore, but your dumb ass wouldn't let her out to easily do that. Now she's hurt because she had to climb out your high window!" He forcefully frowned as he pressed his hands against your bandaged knees, making them redder than they previously were. You didn't dare open your mouth to express your hurt for fear of anyone around yelling at you.

"She wouldn't have had to see you any longer if she just stayed happy in her fucking room! That's not a good damn excuse." Seungcheol's voice only grew in volume everytime he spoke. Everyone slowly backed away from the two men as their argument went on. Not even RM wanted anything to do with the mess that Jin brought himself into.

This could've been a good time for you to step in, but Jin shouted back first. "Maybe if you weren't such a shit-bag she wouldn't have to run off to somebody else." Seungcheol looked you in the eyes once Jin finished speaking. He was searching them for the truth. It finally came out, but not on the terms that he wanted them to. Jin revealed that you went to him first and it made it worse that you lied to Seungcheol about it.

As he looked back to Jin, Seungcheol winced from the emotional pain he must've felt. He choked on his words, "G-great! Now that we're done here, I'll be taking [Y/N] back to her old room." His gang started filling back into the car, slightly disappointed they all came for nothing. RM signalled for Bangtan to start heading back in as well.

"That's all?" Jin asked.

"This clearly wasn't the expect result." Seungcheol grimaced. He snatched your wrist as he pulled a pair of handcuffs from his pocket.

He snapped one side onto your wrist, "Get used to this, princess." He closed the other side onto his own wrist, and carefully slid the key into his pocket. "You'll be locked up often."

He began to drag you along, back to his car. You glanced back to Jin and RM who showed no remorse. You weren't theirs to worry about anymore.

"I suppose I should get used to the silent treatment, then. You've got no reason to talk anymore, since I know everything," A painful smile remained on his face, "I'll always miss your smarmy replies babe." Seungcheol roughly pulled you into the car by yanking the cuffs. And that was the last thing you remember.

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