Boy In Luv - S. Coups

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Writing Prompt; Person A meets Person B at a museum/cafe without knowing that Person B is the big bad leader of one of the biggest mafias around. Person A continues to insult/harass/snark at Person B, thankfully Person B finds this amusing.


Seungcheol's POV


I finally gave myself a day off. Maybe it's more like my subordinates forced me to take a day, but I gave the final say. I had been working straight for the past three months, so maybe it was long overdue.

It took me a while to decide where I wanted to go, seeing as people are terrified whenever I step foot into any building.

My final decision was the museum. It's like, all the stress leaves me when I'm there. I can speak to people without yelling and make friends. The people there are generally smart, so they stay away from anything having to do with the mafia. Meaning that no one really knows who I am.

I was looking at one of my favorite pieces, Danwon's Album of Genre Paintings, when I noticed someone had walked up next to me.

They tilted their head towards me and looked at me with wide eyes, "You know, he started his studies at the age of 7?"

"Oh, really?" I questioned as I turned towards them, raising my brows in fake surprise.

"Yeah. I didn't expect a chump like you to know that anyway." They turned away from me and began observing the book. I continued to stare at them when a laugh suddenly came out of my mouth.

They turned back to me and gave me a disgusted look.

I covered my mouth to stop the laughing, "Do you know who I am? My name is Choi Seungcheol."

"Well, uh, I didn't ask for your name, random guy. I can't say that I do know you." As they crossed their arms, they took a small step away from me.

"Oh, good.  didn't expect a chump like you to know that anyway." I smiled as a pout came to their face. Guess they aren't a fan of having their insults used against them.

"Okay. Instead of 'chump' you can call me [Y/N], Mr. Seungcheol. So, don't do it again." [Y/N] strolled over to a nearby table and signaled me to follow.

"You're going to be nice to me now?" I asked them as I pulled out a chair for them to sit.

They sat down and put their hands up on the table, "No, I wanna mess with you more. You're a really fun target!"

"You should cut me a little slack, [Y/N]. Messing with strangers could be dangerous." I licked my lips as I sat down on the other side of the table. They rested their head on their hands and started staring straight at me again.

"Dangerous? You look tough but I'd bet my life that you wouldn't even hurt a fly!" [Y/N] threw their hands back as they laughed. It brought a slight small to my face. If only they knew.

I looked at them with squinted eyes, "Betting your life is also pretty dangerous, yeah?" They rested their hands on the back of their neck as they focused back on me. Their eyes had a look of interest.

"We only met today, why do you seem like you're trying to protect me?" They questioned me, but had no signs of confusion; like they had already figured me out.

I hesitated. Why am I trying to protect them?

"Come on, say what you want." [Y/N] brought their hands back to the table and leaned forward.

"It's for your own good. You should keep your innocence." I simply replied as I stood up. I pushed in the chair and began to walk away.

After a few seconds, there was a tug on my sleeve. I spun around to reveal [Y/N] holding out a slip of paper.

They extended their arm so the paper was almost in my face, "This is my number. I'd like to meet you again, so please take it!"

I slowly nodded as I grabbed the paper and glanced at it. Before I could say anything, [Y/N] scurried away.

Besides the number, the paper also read 'Don't forget to call, chump.'

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