Defective Deal - Dino

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"Can you make it down?" Chan yelled out from the tunnel below.

Soonyoung jumped down, "Yeah I've got it!" You let out a small laugh, knowing that the question wasn't for him.

You heard the faint sound of skin hitting against skin, most likely Chan smacking Soonyoung.

"What the hell was that for!?" You heard Soonyoung yell out.

"I was asking [Y/N], it's more important that they get there in one piece."

"Could you guys be any louder? They're gonna hear us miles away!" You whisper-yelled at them.

"Well quit fucking around and get down here!" Soonyoung continued to yell.

"Just be careful!" Chan also continued his yelling.

The ledge was about ten feet up, so living did depend on how you landed, but it's nothing you couldn't handle.

A simple jump, tuck, and roll and you were safely standing next to Chan and Soonyoung. "Chan, you have no reason to worry about me. Afterall, I don't have a bloody knee, like you."

Soonyoung clapped his hands as he laughed, "Damn Chan, you got told!"

"Whatever," He sighed, "Can we tell [Y/N] their job now?"

"Yeah, I would kind of like to know before we walk into MAP6's building and get my head blown off for trespassing." You turned to Soonyoung.

He nodded his head and began explaining, "Jun and Minghao aren't with us today because MAP6 kidnapped them. You just need to cut them out of their cages or restraints. We will deal with the rest of it."

It seemed like a job more fit for Joshua, but you guess you could do just as good. One thing was still a mystery to you, "What reason did they have for taking them?"

"J. Jun only wants there to be one Jun in this city, so he wants to take Jun out, he brought Jun in by using Minghao," Chan explained to you.

"That's an odd reason, but most mafia men are odd so I won't question it."

Soonyoung sighed as he returned Chan's slap from earlier, "They think Jun and Minghao stole all of their gambling profits and normal extortion places. That isn't true, though. It was Heechul and Chanyeol, from SM. They did a little bluffing, now MAP6 wants Seventeen dead."

"I think I like Chan's explanation more," You laughed at your own words. "How am I supposed to free them, though?"

"Chan, you explain more. I'm going to go set up." Soonyoung walked down the tunnel into the darkness.

Chan stared down to where Soonyoung was walking with his mouth wide open; like he didn't expect to be left without his boss in this tunnel.

"Anyway, Soonyoung is going to be marking the spot where we believe Jun and Minghao are. You're going to cut a hole behind that spot, with this." He handed you a circular saw, "It's loud, so you'll have to get up there quickly and cut them out."

"This seems like a lot of work. Couldn't Seungcheol just schedule a meeting with Minhyuk?" You asked as you examined the saw.

Chan sucked in the air between his teeth, "Well... Seungcheol doesn't exactly know about this yet. He would probably chop off our fingers if he did."

"Alright, let's go." You said, not wanting to worry about the situation anymore.

"I'll be right below, so yell if something goes wrong." You nodded at Chan's instructions. It couldn't be that hard.

"I'm serious! I know you're strong but you have to let people help you, [Y/N]." He continued as you two walked down the tunnel.

You tried to reassure him, "Okay, Chan, I get it. It won't be hard, though. I'll just kick some ass if someone walks in, no problem!"

He only let out a sigh.

You reached the spot where Soonyoung was and waited minutes before someone actually said something.

"Are you going to cut it or what?" Chan sassed you.

You held up the saw, "I was hoping to get a signal that it would be clear before I started hacking away at the ground."

"No! Just start before the sun goes down!" It was evident that Chan was getting antsy, so you decided to mess with him more.

You leaned back against the dirty wall, "Oh, good! I've got a few more hours, then."

As soon as Soonyoung shot a deathly glare at you, you knew it was time to stop playing around. Raising the circular saw to the roof, you turned it on and easily cut through the concrete.

Once a complete circle had been cut, you moved out of the way and let it fall. It made a small thud, but nothing worse than what the saw had already been doing.

"Okay, I'll lift you through. Just tell Jun and Minghao to jump down. Remember, yell if something happens!" Chan put out his hands for you to step up.

As you climbed through the hole, you felt an eerie presence in front of you.

Looking up, you didn't see Jun or Minghao. It was J. Jun, smiling at you.

Before you could even scream out Chan's code name, J. Jun had tape over your mouth and a pillowcase over your head.

Soonyoung didn't come for you, and neither did Chan. They were too late.

[A/N: I'm tempted to turn this into a J. Jun fanfic in another book because I thought it all out. It wouldn't fit right in this chapter, though :( ]

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