Berserk - Joshua

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Requested by Erinac34


The night you were having was absolutely enchanted. Your boyfriend of two years, Joshua, had made sure this would be a night for you to remember. It was your second anniversary, and he really stepped it up from last year. Considering you both had to sit in hiding for your first anniversary, anything would be a step up, really.

Anyway, your day started with a cute little breakfast in bed and then he continued on to take you roller-skating. He ended up falling quite a bit, but it was adorable so you enjoyed it. Going through that activity, you ended up skipping lunch but it was worth it. You had reservations for one of the most high-class restaurants in the country, thanks to Seungcheol.

Normally, you'd think the portions would be tiny at a fancy restaurant, but they served huge bowls of their food. You were finishing your last few bites as Joshua was paying for the food. He mentioned that after this, you two would just go back to your house and watch movies for the rest of the night. It was all you could've asked for in one day.

During the ride home, the two of you spoke about anything and everything. From gangs, to friends, to pumpkins; no topic went uncovered when you and Joshua talked. The openness made your relationship one hundred times better.

"Alright, we'll see how different pumpkin guts and actual guts are when we watch Berserk."

"Joshua, that's an anime. We can't compare that!"

He stepped out of the car and walked over to help you out as well, "Hey, I think I've seen enough guts to know that they're different. So, who cares if we watch an anime instead of a movie with actual guts!" He put up finger quotations as he said 'actual'. Seems like he's real intent on watching his anime then.

As you were attempting to unlock your door, you noticed it was already open. You were going to tell Joshua, but his phone began to ring when you started saying it.

"Hold on [Y/N], I have to take this, I'll be in in a few minutes." He walked back over to his car and answered the phone, his words inaudible to you.

Assuming you just weren't thinking and left your door unlocked, you shook it off and walked in. Everything seemed to be the same as you left it, so you were probably worried for nothing before.

Swiftly, you grabbed the remote off your table and threw yourself onto the couch in one motion. You were eager to watch an episode of your favorite show before Joshua came in to watch the anime. As you flipped through the channels, it turned out your show wasn't on at the moment. You let out a loud groan while throwing your head backwards, nearly hurting yourself on the back of the couch. It took you by surprise, but what was even more surprising was the figure staring back at you.

"[Y/N], it's been so long! Did you actually think you'd be able to hide from me for that long?" Of course, it was the man that indirectly ruined your anniversary last year. Chen of EXO. You never saw him in person, but low quality pictures and descriptions lead you to the conclusion that it was the terrible mafia member that Joshua has told you about.

Mafia ¦¦ SeventeenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя