Tuesday - The8

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"Come here often?" The familiar soft-brown haired male said as he put his hand on your shoulder

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"Come here often?" The familiar soft-brown haired male said as he put his hand on your shoulder.

You gave him a little smirk, "Only on Tuesdays."

Minghao held onto your hand as he went to sit, "Lucky for you, this is my date night." Happiness showed in his whole face.

"What a coincidence, it's mine too!" You both burst out in laughter after your little game. He took a moment away from you to order drinks. When the waiter left, he turned back to you with an unexpectant smile.

You held your mouth open for a few second before talking, "Speaking of coming here often, isn't there a better place we can go? Does your job really pay this little?" It came out rude, but you were just trying to pry into him. Minghao had previously told you that he is a talented surgeon. If that were true, you wouldn't be meeting him right now.

The only reason you met him in this shitty cafe 7 months a go was to get information about his gang. Turns out, Minghao isn't the type to kiss and tell.

Sure, you learned a lot about him in these months; you knew almost nothing about his mafia life though. You knew and even met a few of his colleagues but that was all.

You never had a case this tough to crack, yet you were determined to know about this boy at any means necessary.

Minghao looked at you awkwardly, "Well, it's just that my... friends are at the other places in town often. I don't think you would wanna see them." He let a smile show for a second, but it quickly turned to a frown.

You grinned as a sign of affection, though, it was truly because you could finally open him up with this.

"I'd love to see them! Plus, if you really can't pay, I would be happy to." Your eyes grew wide as you realized what you said.

"I thought you didn't have a job?" Minghao asked suspiciously. He waved his hand by his ear, as if there was a fly.

You glanced around the cafe, "It's, uh, complicated."

"The only thing that'll be complicated is figuring out what to do with you." An unknown voice spoke from behind you.

Minghao looked at you apologetically, "I love you, [Y/N]. But why did you lie to me? And why did you pick me?"

In that moment, you felt regret. Maybe because you actually fell for him as well. He definitely brought a lot of new elements to your job.

"Hoshi, take them away." Minghao said as he turned away from you. With that, you put a name and face to the voice you heard. Though, you wish you hadn't. This man was most likely taking you to your death.

And there was nothing you could do about it.

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