Angst!S. Coups

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Requested @svtmafia on tumblr.
Warning; it's... a lil violent.

You woke up in complete darkness, unable to move. You were shaking around a bit, but it seems you were strapped in a chair.

"Hello, is anyone here?" You called out, the words echoing throughout the room. There was no answer. It was no use speaking anymore, so you stayed quiet. All there was to occupy you was your thoughts, which were very unclear. You couldn't remember how you got here, or if someone else had brought you.

It felt like years before someone opened a door and let some light in.

"Excuse me, can you help me?" You yelled out for whoever it may be, but there was no answer this time either.

You sighed, "Is it really that hard for someone to give an answer?" As you were distracted by talking to yourself, someone slid into the room and swiftly went past you.

Feeling an eerie presence, you called out again. "Hello? I'm getting pretty hungry here..."

"Don't worry, [Y/N], you'll be out of here eventually." You felt a hand on your shoulder, "Just when you tell me why you were with Seokjin yesterday." You finally processed who was speaking to you, but you couldn't properly answer him.

You tried to turn and look at him but he quickly held your face forward, "Seungcheol, maybe I could tell you if I could remember. Whatever you did, messed me up, so you're fucked."

He let go of you as you heard him walk away, "Guess we'll have to continue our little session here. I'm sure Wonwoo would be happy to see you."

The lights suddenly flashed on. You closed your eyes at the brightness after only seeing darkness for so long.

When you had opened them back up, Seungcheol was right in front of you. He held a switchblade near your face.

"Not waiting for Wonwoo, then?" You said, trying to sound confident. It didn't help that your voice cracked while saying it.

Seungcheol grinned, "Scared? It's alright, sweetie. I won't hurt you, I would never do that myself."

You shot your leg forward, in an attempt to kick him. It wasn't exactly where you were planning, but you hit him in the knee. He fell backward, causing the blade to lightly slide across his stomach.

"Fuck! Look what you did! You tore up my favorite shirt and now I'm gonna bleed all over it! Never going to get this shit out..." Seungcheol regained his balance and got back into your face.

He was basically growling at you now. "Honey, I'm going to forgive you for this shit," He pointed at the cut, "But I won't forgive you for whatever the hell you did with Seokjin. If you won't tell me, then fine. Suffer. See if I give a damn because I sure as hell don't see you caring while I sit here suffering. All because of you."

Seungcheol walked away from you, as you were left speechless. A few moments later, Wonwoo stood at the doorway with his tool cart behind him.

"I hope you're excited, cause I'm giving you a real special treatment today, [Y/N]."

Mafia ¦¦ SeventeenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt