Small Things - Seungkwan

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In Seungkwan's POV

I always preferred having Hansol doing computer work. Firstly, because it's safe. Secondly, he always came to me first. I took that as an advantage and went to the boss.

When I notified Seungcheol about a problem, he put me on the squad to deal with it.

That being said, some little rat got into our information. More specifically an information broker. They've been collecting our data for months. We thought we had the most high-tech security, but Soonyoung never taught Hansol much about dealing with info brokers.

So, we have to make a physical meeting to talk to this lowlife about not selling our information to the government. It shouldn't be too hard, considering we could just kill them right then and there, and have Hansol go through their files somehow.

I was a bit disappointed when Seungcheol said that Soonyoung would be leading the job. I did end up convincing him to let me go along, though. The squad was Soonyoung, Chan, Wonwoo, Mingyu, and me. It was pretty large for a meeting with just one person. Mingyu and I weren't originally supposed to go, so I guess that's why.

"Why are you two so intent on going?" Chan asked as we all boarded into the car.

I looked at Mingyu as if I were telling him to answer first. He took the hint and replied, "I just haven't been getting many jobs lately. Just wanted something new." Mingyu then looked at me.

"I was aware of the situation first, so I deserve to be here." I casually pouted my lips and crossed my arms before looking out the window.

I heard Chan laugh, "Man, I wish Hansol kissed my ass so I could get every job."

"Hey! Watch yourself back there. You basically get every job anyway because 'you need the knowledge since you're the youngest'. You got no room to talk, kid." Soonyoung shouted at Chan as he drove. Chan sunk down into his seat and mumbled. I couldn't be bothered to hear what he was saying.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, already getting bored.

Soonyoung squinted at me in the front mirror, "It's an hour drive and we've been in the car for, what, five minutes?"

I groaned loudly as I also sunk into my seat.

"Ay, Seungkwannie! You begged to come, you should've been prepared!" Soonyoung must be in a yelling mood today. Thankfully, it's not rude yelling, but playful. I guess we need that sometimes. I would know.

I noticed Mingyu started poking the back of Wonwoo's head.

"Wonwoo, don't you wanna get yelled at next, say something stupid!" I reached across Chan to half-whisper to Wonwoo, but Chan pushed me back against my seat.

"Guys, let's just chill out until we get there. Don't want to look like psychos in front of the info broker." Wonwoo looked back at us.

We all sat back and chilled out as Wonwoo said. Doing this, the ride felt like it went by in minutes.

"Here we are! Time to get serious." Soonyoung had a completely different attitude for each sentence. That's normal for him.

Chan stepped over me to get out of the car, "Where are they? I don't see anyone here." The rest of us got out in a normal fashion and looked around as well.

"They should be here any moment, just be on guard," Soonyoung warned us.

Almost on cue, another car pulled up, and a young-looking girl stepped out.

"Excuse me, miss, this is a private meeting area. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Soonyoung walked over to the girl and attempted to shoo her into her car.

She backed away from him, "Excuse me, Soonyoung, but I believe I have some important business to deal with here." She looked at the rest of us and smiled.

"Wait, you're the info broker?" Chan's eyes widened. None of us expected her to be a her. So we definitely didn't expect her to look as beautiful as she does.

"[Y/N]. A pleasure to finally meet you all. You're all very interesting people, you know?" She chuckled lightly.

Soonyoung was about to speak but she cut him off, "Let's cut to the chase. You're all going to kill me if I don't give up the information, the right? That's fine." [Y/N] paused. "I suppose I'll get no profit no matter what, then. Here are your files then. Heads up, Seungkwan!" She smirked as she quickly threw a flash drive at me. It was weird how my name just rolled right off her tongue, nicely

I fumbled around a bit but successfully got it into my pocket.

[Y/N] was getting back into her car but Soonyoung pulled her back out, "You think we would let you off so easy?" It was his turn to laugh now. "Mingyu, Wonwoo. Take her car and drive her back to our place. Seungcheol would be happy to see her fingers cut off."

As we were all filing into our respective cars, I began questioning Soonyoung. "Is it really necessary to hurt her? Could she not have some other use? We could use her for-"

"Be quiet, Seungkwan. Just because you think she's cute doesn't mean you need to protect her. [Y/N] deserves it." Chan scolded me. I really didn't expect him to be the one to say that to me.

I gasped loudly, "Cute? No. Why would you even think that?"

"Oh, please. I saw you blush just from her saying your name." Chan rolled his eyes.

We continued bickering for a bit until Soonyoung shushed us. "Neither of you should be worrying about that. Just think of some fun ways to cut off her fingers!"

I silently mocked him as I leaned back. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, as Chan had fallen asleep.


[Y/N] was passed out in a chair. I volunteered to "see" her first, but only to see if I could work something out with her. I talked Joshua into helping me, and he agreed that her skills could be of assistance. Thankfully, she regained consciousness so we could speak to her.

The two of us together were a force to be reckoned with. We could convince a mountain to jump.

I mean, not really but as a metaphor. Seungcheol could be easily convinced at times anyway, especially by Joshua. We invited Seungcheol in without notifying anyone else.

"Alright, what's the point of this bullshit?" He asked as soon as he walked in.

"[Y/N] would be of better assistance to us with her fingers. We've already spoken to her about getting info from other gangs to bring them down. She's even more advanced than Soonyoung." I didn't even have to say anything, Seungcheol was already nodding his head at Joshua's testimony.

"Go on, tell him about the people you've already gathered information from!" I encouraged [Y/N] to speak up.

She slowly looked up at Seungcheol, "You know all the codes names, right? Like yours is called 'Seventeen'. That's pretty stupid. Anyway, I've got EXO and NCT. They're the sub-gangs of SM but SM is surprisingly easy to get into. I'm working on BTS. Any other small gangs would be easy to get for you as well."

"Damn girl, you're more useful than any of these idiots I have here." He started taking off her restraints, "You'll be staying here, though. We'll feed you and all that, that'll be our payment. Cause I sure as shit am not giving you straight up money for that."

[Y/N] was hesitant to say anything, but she agreed. I guess she knew us well enough, but it's still weird that we don't know her. The other guys weren't too happy but I think I could learn to live with her.

Technologically, she really does make our job a lot easier.

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