Dangerous - The8

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The8's POV

It was another one of those days where Seungcheol gave Hoshi's squad the butt of his jobs. I'd be totally fine with that. If I wasn't in his team.

We either get the most dangerous jobs or the jobs that even Chan could do by himself. Ironically enough, Chan isn't here today. He gets to skip out on an "extortion" because Seungcheol gave him a special spot on Jihoon's little team.

[A/N: Extortions are the act of forcing people to give up their money by using threats.]

I was just sitting outside of the store that we were about to enter. Where were Soonyoung and Jun? Well, they're at the ice cream parlor down the road. They aren't the type to do jobs like these quickly. Soonyoung is a really scary guy, and he's serious about his job. He just acts like a child sometimes. Jun, well, he's not much of a guy for serious business. I didn't go with them because I had to keep a watch on the store, make sure it didn't close.

Time can fly by in situations like this, and it did. After a few minutes, I noticed someone new sitting on a bench on the other side of the road. I was always taught it's impolite to stare, but being in the mafia has brought upon a lot of staring.  So I kind of 'unintentionally' stared at her. It was really hard not to; everywhere I looked, all my attention went straight back to her. It was like some type of force was pushing me to look at her.

"Is there something suspicious with her?" I jumped at the sound of Soonyoung's sudden voice.

I stood up and shook my head no, stealing one last glance at her.

"No, no. That's definitely a look of love." Jun walked towards me and held my face, "I mean, look at his eyes. His pupils are the size of the moon!"

I quickly pulled away but ended up backing into Soonyoung. "Okay, hey, we need to get back to the task on hand here. So, stop making eyes at some random girl you'll never see again or I'll make sure you end up in a roadside ditch." As I said, scary.

After that, we went onto doing the extortion. We get the store owner to pay us $175 per week to keep them safe. Safe from us, that is. She didn't agree to it at first, but Jun swooped in with his persuasion skills. I didn't think about the girl on the bench while working; that didn't stop me from checking to see if she was still there after, though.

"And that's how it's done, boys. That is how I know what a look of love is." Jun said, casually putting his hands behind his head.

Soonyoung rolled his eyes, "I just wish you could keep this professional. You're ridiculous."

"Hey! I get the job done, don't I? That's more than you two could say." Jun noticed that I hadn't been paying attention to him, "Looking for the girl, lover boy?"

I started blushing so I turned away, "Let's just go home."

"Good idea. No more fooling around Jun." Soonyoung began walking away in the direction of our home.

Jun ran after him and attempted to knee him in the back, but failed. I lagged behind a bit, just in case the girl shows up.

She didn't.

We arrived home and Seungcheol started questioning Soonyoung immediately. Thankfully, there were only good things to discuss.

Until Jun opens his mouth.

"Minghao saw a girl there. Man, she was really pretty. You should've seen how he looked at her, it was like some cheesy romantic movie!"

Chan peeked at us from the living room, "Aw, you met a girl? Suddenly I regret going with Jihoon..."

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