No Other Option - Back Stories

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Information to go further in depth. From the boy's POV. Doesn't always fit much into the scenarios, but it was fun to write.

S. Coups

It was just another day, another job, another deal.

Mingyu and I were in a squad with a bunch of associates. The associates were all around the building as the back-up, because you don't need hundreds of people to do a drug deal. Though, things don't always go as planned.

Every surrounding mafia knew that today was special, due to the fact that we had a new boss, Mingyu. Of course, I would've preferred to have the position, but Mingyu is just as capable of being in charge.

That being said, there's a huge target on our backs. Everyone is going to think we are weak and unable to handle whatever they throw at us. Well, they have another thing coming. I will absolutely not let us fail.

Anyway, Mingyu's father is also here, making sure everything goes as planned. My father was also supposed to come along but it seems like he's chickened out, as per usual.

Even as a child, I would see him come home questionably early. I thought nothing of it since we received great items and housing. When I grew older, he introduced me to the mafia. At that point, I had already figured out that he was involved with it, and that I would have to be too. It didn't take long for me to get adjusted to the harsh reality of the mafia. I found myself working harder and later than my father ever did. As I talked to more people, I found out my father was a lowly person who backed out of almost all jobs. They weren't sure how he maintained such a steady life.

I started speaking with him about his ranking and he slowly revealed that is was because he was close to the boss. He told me that if I got close to his son, Mingyu, that we would be living easily. Not thinking much about it, I told him that his idea was cowardly. His idea still popped up in my head from time to time, though.

I ended up befriending Mingyu anyway. Not so much for any benefits, but for the reason that he was one of the few people relatively close to my age here. We talked and all that for a while, getting along really well. A few younger people joined the mafia, and we had our own small subdivision, kind of.

And that brings us to today. I watched Mingyu doing the deal, from a few feet away. The air was really sticky due to the day's heat. This wasn't an ideal building for doing business, but it's what we gotta deal with. I pulled at my shirt's collar, getting tired of this atmosphere. After another moment, Mingyu turned around and gave a thumbs up. I began walking towards him to assist with the boxes when I saw him falling to the ground.

"Shit!" I ran to him quickly, catching him, before he hit the hard concrete.

All around, armed men came pouring out of hiding spots. I sent the signal for our men to come out as well.

Mingyu's father came rushing over to us, and I saw the absolute disappointment in his eyes.

He couldn't possibly be blaming this on Mingyu?

Together, we dragged Mingyu to a safe area, being covered by the associates. I pulled out my own gun, charging into the action, leaving the Kim's to tend to themselves for now.


It was a while later, after returning to our base. Mingyu ended up okay, he was shot with a tranquilizer. However, we lost a good amount of associates. In the end, the other group retreated. We couldn't call it a victory though. Mingyu's father was definitely upset. Once Mingyu woke up, his position was immediately retracted, leaving the boss open. Mingyu, his father, and I all sat in silence in a room, after he revealed the retraction. I had no idea why I had to be there.

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