Enigmatic - Jun Pt. 3

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Feeling just as dead as Jungmo, your eyes drooped as you rode along in the car next to Jun.

"Why won't you say anything?" Jun asked, putting a hand on your knee. You glanced at him but immediately turned back towards your window. He slightly squeezed at your knee, only causing you to jump and pull away from him.

Jun sighed, "You know, I don't think anyone was this shook up after doing this."

Seungcheol adjusted his mirrors so he could clearly see Jun, "Speak for yourself. Not everyone is as cold-hearted as you. Oh shi-" you jolted to the side and crashed into Jun as Seungcheol took a sharp right turn.

"What the hell?" Jun looked around as he hung onto you for safety.

"Hang on kids, we're taking a few detours!" Seungcheol yelled out. He ran the car off the rode, from what you could see. Jun still held you in his lap, so you couldn't tell what you were driving away from.

Suddenly, the back window blew out. Jun reacted by laying himself over you, ensuring you got no glass in you.

"Dammit, those jackasses got my favorite car! Why haven't Soonyoung and Jihoon dealt with them?" Seungcheol harshly pressed down the gas pedal, making you and Jun shift around at every little turn.

You felt Jun put his lips to your ear, "Just stay calm. Sehun already sent out people, but Soonyoung is dealing with them." He whispered in an easy going voice. Raising himself back up, he began stroking your hair for comfort. It wasn't working very well, considering you just killed a man and were about to be killed.

After a few minutes of speedy driving and falling around, Seungcheol spoke up. "I think it's safe. You can sit-up, [Y/N]." He turned around and lightly tapped your back. You felt the car coming to a stop.

"ALL THESE DEAD BODIES BUT NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM IS EXO! WHY?!" Was what you heard as you sat up. Assuming it was Soonyoung, you let out a dismal laugh as you stepped out of the car.

"Ew, you look like you went to hell and came back after catching twenty diseases." Soonyoung eyed you up and down with a disgusted face.

Jun ran at Soonyoung and gave him a fake kick, after he exited the car. "And you look like the physical embodiment of the devil, so who are you to talk?"

"I'm going to take that as a compliment!" Soonyoung walked over to Seungcheol and began discussing information with him.

Jun came up behind you and gave you a hug, "Isn't this plain, flat area so nice? We could have a first date here!"

"Excuse me, but aren't you the one who 'had to remind me' about us only knowing each other for a day or so?" You pulled away from him to look him in the eye. Of course, he had a grin on his face.

"You're talking now?"

"Shut up."


"I would take you back to your house but... I want you to be looked after for a day or so," Seungcheol said after you had all gotten back into the cars, "I don't want you to do anything drastic, then Jun follows in suit."

"I want to go home." You plainly stated.

Seungcheol glared at you through the mirror, sending chills down your spine. A look of terror grew on your face.

"It's settled, you're staying with us!" Jun laughed as he saw your expression. This day was in no way going the way you wanted it to.

"But I would still prefer my home." You were determined to hold your ground, even if you were scared shitless.

Looking through the front mirror, you saw Seungcheol shaking his head. Instead of responding, he just continued driving while Jun stared at you. Unsure if he was just doing it for fun or to read you, you stared back at him.

After a minute or so, you couldn't help yourself from laughing. Even through your chuckling, Jun kept a straight stare on you.

"Jun, quit staring at them! You have more important shit to worry about; think about what you're gonna do when Sehun find her!" Seungcheol yelled, turning back to look at Jun multiple times. Jun jumped in his seat, looking quite startled.

He glanced at you once more before responding, "I'm trying to analyze [Y/N], but it isn't working!"

"That's cause you already know every damn thing about them!" Seungcheol continued the bickering. It went on much longer, but you blocked it out, not wanting to be a part of it.

Suddenly, your eyes flashed, causing you to wince in pain of the light. You tries to cover your eyes with your hands, but they wouldn't budge. Everytime you attempted to move, you heard chains rattle. Eventually, you had to open your eyes, but you didn't see the car, or Jun.

All your eyes were welcomed with was the dreary sight of broken down walls and darkness.

"Hello?" You called out quietly. The only thing that came back was your echo.

Feeling like your lips were about to fall off, you wondered if you should just keep quiet. Staying here may bring you dismay but calling out and breaking your lips apart wouldn't be ideal either. At least you could possibly keep your life, though.

"Hello?" You called out again, growing louder.  With each call of hello, you felt your lips start to crack under the pressure. As you pushed out one final shout, the door flew open but all that was visible was another blinding light. And as the door opened, so did your lips; you felt the wetness running down your face. All you could focus on was the light though.

At the same time a figure started to form at the door, you began to shake. Shaking caused you to not be able to see the figure as it came into sight.

"Oh, you don't look so well." Was the last thing you heard before blacking out.

Or so you thought. When you came back to, you were in the car again. Jun was looking at you with mildly concerned eyes.

"Are you having the nightmares already?"

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