Seventeen Ranks

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S. Coups/Seungcheol
The Boss
•Won't let the lower ranks down, doesn't need to do much to get people to do what he says.
•Doesn't sit around in his office, makes sure to go get the job done himself.
•Never planned to be the boss, was a last minute decision. Decided on after the old boss' son could not lead properly.
•Really harsh exterior personality, but his members know his true colors. He's really sweet and cares for the people around him, even if he is clueless at times.

Consigliere (Chief Advisor)
•Isn't officially in the mafia yet, but he's trying his hardest to get in. Coups won't allow him to fully be in, due to past experiences.
•He settled for this position but still acts as though he's high up in the mafia.
•Sends himself out on missions and uses his pretty-boy looks to get information, which gets him a scolding from members in "his mafia" due to the dangers.
•Spends the rest of his time sleeping or helping the members out with health/injuries.

•Thinks he deserves a higher ranking, and he does, due to the dangerous jobs he receives.
•Is known as a spy in his small circle, he travels around the world receiving the latest information on various topics in the mafia world.
•Has met some top tier mafia men and clearly hasn't been caught.
•Overall, a really sweet guy who somehow got into this bad business, not many people truly know why he is there.

•Used to be very mysterious to anyone he met, but has since then become more active and social (due to orders from S. Coups to go out and do the gambling).
•Though he's good at what he does, he would rather be out on the field with Hoshi's sub-unit again.
•Aaand he does get to go out most of the time, without S. Coups knowing.
•Joined the mafia on his own "free-will", then convinced The8 to join.
•People easily get fooled by his cute, innocent looks but he becomes very rough and terrifying when working.

•One of the harshest captains you'll ever meet, despite his innocent looks and usual personality.
•Started off as the team's "hacker", but taught Vernon his trade in order to become captain of the high-class soldiers.
•Nearly everyone in his family was involved in the mafia, so he assumed he had to be in it as well.
•Literally one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet... unless you're his enemy or underling.

•A cold guy overall, but can be fairly weird at times.
•Used as the team's negotiator, due to his serious atmosphere and his unwavering personality.
•Has some pretty outstanding torture techniques.
•Came into the mafia through Mingyu, he didn't have much of a choice.

•Definitely helps Wonwoo out in the tortures.
•Since he's so soft looking, S. Coups doesn't send him out often, so he spends his time planning their tasks.
•Their mafia branch began succeeding more often due to Woozi's precise plans.
•Parents forced him into the mafia, with the plan of him taking down the boss and becoming the new boss. Their plan ultimately failed with bad consequences, for the parents. S. Coups still took Woozi in, believing (or knowing) that he would be a huge help.

•Another one that takes on the innocent look, but is very deadly.
•Has the highest experience in fighting on the team. Though it isn't useful in many tasks, they utilize him as a guard for Hoshi and Dino.
•He had a steady life ahead of him, having no connections to the mafia. Except for his closest friend, Jun. Jun tied him into the mafia and turned his life around.
•Even though Jun basically ruined his life, he thought nothing of it.

•Used to be a very bright boy, despite his father's profession, and his own. His father was the boss of the mafia, and he was next in line.
•He ended up being the boss for a day, a small mishap occurred, so his father quickly retracted him and pulled out S. Coups to take over.
•Now, he's an angsty boy who's only comfortable with few people.
•He claims he holds no grudge against S. Coups. He's thankful that he still got the position of underboss.

•Literally a ball of sunshine that's there to be with his friends and have fun.
•So like he might be a little insane since he thinks that murder and illegal gambling are fun.
•Knew Hoshi and Seungkwan outside of the mafia, found out about each of them by snooping through their homes, while they were asleep.
•Proceeded to beg Seungkwan to take him to his boss, since Seungkwan is easier to manipulate.
•Gambling is his main job, he takes over for Jun most of the time.

•Loud and sassy, has no shame.
•Usually accompanies DK to the casinos, and uses himself as a distraction.
•S. Coups recruited him after he ruined a game of poker. It was either join the mafia or die so-
•Also quite good at going around the tables and stealing valuables without people noticing.
•Longtime friends with DK and Vernon.

•Fairly quiet around most people, but still happy despite his work.
•Used to have the dangerous job of accompanying S. Coups and protecting/guarding him at all times until Seungkwan convinced S. Coups to let him do something else.
•So Seungkwan helped him get the physically safest job they have: hacker. It took a lot of "convincing" to get Hoshi to teach him but he ended up doing very well for Hoshi.
•Joined the mafia when he found out Seugkwan was in, he wanted to protect Seungkwan.

•"the biggest little man"
•He was involved with the mafia since he was born. His father was the boss of another group, and he was next in line. But his father gave in and merged with Mingyu's father right before he was promoted.
•Tries to out-do everyone to maintain a high-status but knows when to drop the games and petty business.
•Although he's all rough and tough, he still gets treated like a baby.

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