They Fall In Love With Someone Shy

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S. Coups

This would be the type of person he'd definitely fall for, because you'd be there to make him take a step back and settle down. You're kind of like opposites, so that'd make it work.


He'd be able to get along with you easily but he wouldn't let you use your innocence as an excuse. He'd make sure that you knew what you were actually going to do before you went out, for fear of you doing something terrible without you knowing.


This man practically preaches innocence so you'd probably be like the 100% perfect match for him. He'd probably keep your ears covered around his colleagues so they don't corrupt you.


He'd be the one to accidently corrupt you, maybe not even accidently. Sometimes he just lets the words fly out of his mouth so you most likely wouldn't keep your innocence with him.


Saying he would baby you is an understatement. He would treat you like a goddess, or even better than a goddess, if possible. He wanted to protect your pure heart forever and make sure it'd never be tainted. But he'd be the one to ruin your pureness, quickly.


He wouldn't think much of it, as he doesn't have much of a preference for a type of person but he'd definitely be much more comfortable with someone more quiet and soft like him.


It seems like he wouldn't be much of a person to make a fuss about you being innocent/timid either. He'd treat you as he would any other relationship partner, but he might try to get you to talk a lot more.


Every time you spoke with your adorable soft little voice, he smiled; but he wouldn't obsess over it. He finds it endearing that you've kept your innocence in this terrible world and would try his best to keep it that way.


Another boy that wouldn't wanna corrupt you, but accidently corrupted you by bringing you into mafia business. You think he'd learn after the first time, but nope he ruined your innocence. At least he appreciates your lovely voice.


Honestly, he probably wouldn't even notice that you're quiet with how loud he is, he'd speak enough for the both of you. As for your pureness, that'd fade away bit by bit. He's very generous but sometimes things slip out.


Like Dokyeom, or even more so, he'd be able to talk enough for the both of you. His job is basically talking so- However when someone randomly mentioned how innocent you were, he thought it was a joke and ruined it in .2 seconds.


A match made in heaven. He'd try to get you to open up like he has, most likely succeeding in his task. Just the way he talks seems like he'd be a very trustworthy person. Well until he tells you about the mafia, I guess.


Sometimes he wouldn't know what to do with the silence in the room, but he would always find a way to break it and break you out of your shell more. He wouldn't try to push you out but he'd work really hard at it.

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