Worry is Dead - Mingyu

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Today, you were visiting Mingyu. It was painful to see him, you couldn't go alone. Minghao had to go along with you.

Every time you saw him, you thought back to your memories with him. It was really nice when you two had first met. He was a little bit hot-headed, but you could definitely handle him. Mingyu warmed up to you easily.

He was still a hot-head at times, it was what made him Mingyu. You loved all sides of him.

You confessed your love to him on a particularly rough day. He arrived at your house with a broken finger and a laceration across his cheek. You thought it would help him feel better as you helped with his wounds. Thinking about it now, it would have made it worse, no matter what.

He didn't take it well, because he wasn't sure if he could reciprocate your feelings. Mingyu also didn't want your feelings to be destroyed if something bad happens to him while in the mafia.

This was also the day he revealed that he was in the mafia. You two had been friends for months, yet he still protected you from the truth. He waited for a terrible reaction from you, but it never came.

You didn't care that he was in a gang, you just wanted to care for him. Mingyu still refused for you to love him.

You could never forget the time he introduced you to some of his friends. That was when you met Minghao, your current boyfriend.

You unknowingly started to spend more time with Minghao, which upset Mingyu quite a bit. Anytime you were alone with Minghao, Mingyu showed up and started bugging the two of you. Your feelings for him began to fade away.

He would call out to you as you were leaving for a date with Minghao, "[Y/N]. What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" You rhetorically questioned him, "I'm moving on, Mingyu."

A look of confusion formed on his face, "I love you, though."

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "It's too late for that. I don't like when people play with my feelings. I don't love you." Opening the door, you were walking out as he yanked you back in.

"Are you sure, because-" Mingyu swiftly pulled you into his arms. He pushed his lips against yours and he couldn't help himself from smiling as he did it.

But the moment your lips connected, you knew you weren't sure. You knew you couldn't let go of Mingyu, and you'd have to break it to Minghao. There was no way you could be sure, but Minghao could never live up to the sweet taste of Mingyu.

You nearly whined as he pulled away from you, causing the edges of his lips to pull into a smirk. "As long as you don't go with Minghao tonight, we can enjoy this more," He paused, "As soon as I finish a job with Seungcheol. It'll only be an hour."

Looking at him in disbelief, you nodded your head as he turned out to be the one walking out. You couldn't believe he was just up and leaving after doing that. Going with Minghao definitely wasn't happening that night.

You ran to the window and looked out, making sure Mingyu noticed you. He winked and formed a heart with his hands.

"[Y/N], are you ready?" You spun around to reveal Minghao, all dressed up.

Taking a quick glance back, you saw that Mingyu had already left. You wanted to return his heart, but not with Minghao there.

"Oh, I was... I'm not feeling well, so would you mind if we just stayed here?" Minghao bit his lip and narrowed his eyes at your words. He bit his lip so long, you thought it'd split open.

He put his hands in his pockets before answering, "I suppose we could." Was all he said. He threw himself down onto the couch and patted a spot near him. You peeked out the window one last time and then took your spot next to him.

Minghao found a movie to watch but it didn't take long for it to cause him to fall asleep. Getting up would be a task, due to him laying his head down on you. It wasn't much trouble because the only thing you were doing was watching the clock.

The door opened an hour later,  and you jumped up expecting to see Mingyu. That lead to an unfortunate turn of events. The person coming in was Jun, and he got so surprised that he dropped the food he had brought in. Then, Minghao hit his head off of the couch's arm. Not so bad for you, but for everyone else really.

"Okay, so, that was rude. I would forgive you because I know you wanted to see Mingyu, but that was my favorite meal. You're paying." Jun smiled at you and walked down the hall, leaving the mess for you.

Minghao sleepily looked to you, "Why do you care so much about Mingyu again? I thought I made you feel better about that. This was supposed to be our date." You slowly blinked at him before he sighed and most likely went back to sleep. That was one problem you didn't want to deal with tonight.

You sat down once again but the door suddenly flew open, almost coming off the hinges. Seungcheol was covered in blood, and visibly angry. It made you stand up in fear, like the hairs on your arms.

"Seungcheol, what-" Seungcheol punched the wall before you could even finish your question.

Minghao woke up for the second time and made a disgusted face at Seungcheol, "What's your problem?"

"MY PROBLEM?" Seungcheol yelled out as he began to pull at his hair, "IT'S ALL OF OUR PROBLEM! ESPECIALLY YOU!" He looked at you with widened eyes.

"Wait, my-" Your brain started bringing up many thoughts, "Where's Mingyu?"

Minghao sucked in air and rolled his eyes, "You're thinking about him, still?"

Seungcheol started digging his fingernails into his palms, only drawing more blood onto himself. It seemed to somehow calm him down, "[Y/N], you can't worry. You can't worry... when your worry is dead."

For a moment, you looked at him in confusion; then came the realization.

Your worry is Mingyu, Mingyu is dead.

Seungcheol punched another wall before walking down the hall. Your eyes began to water and your stomach started to churn. Minghao quickly lunged on top of you and turned it into an awkward hug, as he saw the state you were in. He patted your back as you cried into his shoulder.

Mingyu finally told you the three words. He accepted you, he said he would be back. Now, he never would be. And the last words you said to him were "I don't love you."

All of these things kept running through your head and you heard Minghao starting to cry.

"You're in the mafia, shouldn't you be used to this?" You said through sobs.

Minghao pulled away to look you in the face, "This is exactly what Mingyu didn't want." He continuously wiped your tears away as they poured out.

Pulling you back to his shoulder, you blacked out.

"[Y/N]! Wake up, we're leaving to visit Mingyu now!" Minghao's voice calls out.

But this is the present now, and you visit Mingyu once a week. Minghao hasn't left your side. He started working on the inside of the mafia, as he never wanted to see you cry like that again.

Opening your eyes, you saw Minghao sitting on the bed in front of you, "Are you alright? You're tearing up." He moved in closer to you and lightly kissed your cheek. You wiped your own tears before pulling him into a hug.

"Just a nightmare," You glanced sideways, "Let's get the day going!" Jumping out of bed, you ran to get your clothes as Minghao chased after you.

This is what Mingyu would want.

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