The Truth Untold - S. Coups

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24 months earlier; Someone moved in next door. They looked way too innocent to be living in this area. I thought about warning them but decided against it.

23 months; I bumped into them while they were taking their garbage out. They apologized for not coming to greet their neighbors sooner, I told them it was better that they didn't. They took this as a joke but said their name is [Y/N]. I revealed my real name to them. We parted ways.

20 months; We both arrived at our homes at the same time. They apologized that we never saw each other much. I said it was no big deal as we went into our respective homes.

15 months; I rushed out of my house to help [Y/N] bring suitcases into their house. It's been a while. They apologized since they were off traveling for a few months, offering to take me next time. I said we barely knew each other. They knew but expressed they wish that weren't true.

10 months; I visited them every week to keep them company in their lonely home. They never came to my house, I told them I lived with many other people and it could be too stressful. They understood. I gave them a necklace as an apology.

8 months; They invited me over for dinner nearly every day. I even introduced them to my housemates and they got along. [Y/N] is so sweet, it's no surprise that everyone loved them. Including me.

4 months; I accidentally began ignoring some of my duties. I just wanted to spend time with [Y/N].

1 month; A lot of suspicious activity started coming up around the area. I had to spend more time with them to keep them safe.

Today I arrived at [Y/N]'s house and the atmosphere was odd. The air felt heavy. Something was wrong.

"[Y/N]?" I yelled out for them, but there was no answer. They always expect me at this time. Would they just leave without telling me? It's possible but it just doesn't feel right at all. Plus, the door was unlocked. I always reminded them to lock the door, so they wouldn't just forget.

I prepared myself for whatever could be in this house and began to search for sweet [Y/N]. It didn't take long to uncover the scene that was occurring in their bedroom.

Park Jimin was sat on [Y/N]'s bed, holding the necklace I gave to them, as they were tied up next to him.

"Wow, Coups! This necklace looks pretty cheap for a man like you!" Jimin chuckled as he twirled the necklace on his finger.

I felt like I was going to explode, "You know I could break your small ass in half in a minute." I was trying to keep my composure but seeing [Y/N] in this state infuriated me.

He laughed again, "See the original plan was to get this one to fall for me and take them away to get all of your information..." He paused, "But they're useless!" Jimin threw his hands up in defeat but quickly switched to using them to open a window.

"But, don't worry! I'll find another way to take you down, lover boy!" He vaulted himself out the window before I could even reach out for him. Slippery fucking snake.

I hurriedly started untying [Y/N] so they could have a chance to breathe.

"Could you tell me what's going on?" They cried out as soon as they could speak, "This man suddenly bursts in, flirting with me, and tells me you're in the mafia? I mean I suspected something but-" They stopped themselves to sigh.

"I guess that is what I expected." [Y/N] continued to talk before I could get anything out. It was difficult hearing the disappointment in their voice, "Two years without telling me? Really? I'm sure you haven't lied to me but- I just don't know what to say!"

I grabbed onto their hand, "I know. It was wrong of me to keep something from you, but it's hard to talk about something like that. You just..." I sighed, "Made me forget about it. I felt safe around you and wanted you to feel safe around me." There was a glint of sympathy in their eyes.

"I could have found a way to help you! I understand these things don't always happen because we want them to, okay? I'm so furious with you right now," [Y/N]'s voice showed no sign of anger as they squeezed my hand, "But I still want you." My eyes widened at the sudden statement. The look of sympathy completely overtook them as I squeezed back.

I couldn't help but smile at them for a moment before submitting, "I want you too."

Mafia ¦¦ SeventeenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora