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3 years later:

Well me and Peyton had our baby. We named her Avery just like he wanted. She is two years old now. Me and Peyton broke up twice. Once because I cheated on him. This was like six months after Avery was born. I kissed Fallon's brother and Peyton saw. But of course we couldn't put our thing down and me and him started dating again like three months later. Then the second time was because we got in some stupid little fight. We didn't really break up, it was more of a small break. Now here we are, we've been dating for six years since we were in ninth grade. We have that whole high school sweetheart thing going on.

Oh and did I mention he proposed to me last year on my birthday. Welcome to our wedding.

"Peyton Clark, do you take Sarah Carpenter to be your lawfully wedded wife" The priest guys says. I don't really know what his official name is.

"I do" Peyton says.

"Sarah Carpenter, do you take Peyton Clark to be your lawfully wedded husband" The dude says.

"I do" I say.

"Do you approve?" The guys asks Avery. She was the flower girl. Avery just nods her head.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" The dude says. "You may kiss the bride" He says and Peyton kisses me.

After the kiss we walk done the aisle holding hands and Avery is walking behind us and everyone else like the bridesmaids and groomsmen went behind her.

We go into the party room and start having fun. We had to greet the guests first so me and Peyton did that while Avery was running around some where.

It was nice. I actually really loved the wedding. The ceremony part was a little boring but I couldn't show it.

About halfway through I got to talk to Sabrina alone. Peyton was holding Avery and talking to his like third cousins or something like that. They were playing around with Avery and she was having fun.

"He's a great guy. I'm glad you two ended up together" Sabrina says to me as we are watching them.

"Me too." I say. "I hope you end up with a great guy" I add.

"That's never gonna happen" She says.

"Maybe Bradley" I say.

"No way. I haven't talked to him since we broke up" She says.

"You never know. Life is unpredictable" I say. She just shrugs her shoulders.

Peyton waves his hand to call me over. His cousins just walked away.

"I'll be right back." I say to Sabrina.

"Ok" She says back.

I get up and go over to Peyton and Avery. Avery reaches for me to hold her so I do.

"Hi mommy" She says.

"Hi baby" I say and put her on my hip. "I love you" I say to her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"I know" She says and giggles.

"Hi" Peyton says to me.

"Hi" I say back and smile.

He gives me a short but sweet kiss.

"You know. Out of all the boys on this planet. I'm glad I ended up with you" I say.

"Wow. That's the nicest thing you have ever said to me besides we make a cute kid" He says. I laugh.

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