Chapter 16

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"Don't rush anything. Take things slowly, the best things come with time. Just go with the flow of things, don't worry"

Well Fallon texted me after yesterday's event and I thought I would share it.

Fallon: Sarah I'm sorry. If I knew you two would end up dating I wouldn't have done it.
Me: I'm not mad at that. I don't want to be friends with someone who thinks it's ok to get other people to beat someone up. And you shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should be apologizing to him.
Fallon: Ok I'll do it.
Me: Ok

And that was the end of that conversation. So that conversation ended and Peyton texted me.

Peyton: Hey. My family won't be home for the weekend. Want to sleep over?
Me: Yeah but I have to ask my mom and dad first.
Peyton: Ok. Let me know what they say.
Me: Ok.

I go downstairs and my mom was in the kitchen and my dad was sitting on the couch. I figured I'd have a better chance of my dad saying yes then my mom.

"Hi dad" I say.

"Hi sweetie" He says.

"Can I have sleepover at a friend's house tonight?" I ask.

"Didn't you start a war at school yesterday and got you and all your friends suspended?" He asks.

"Yes but you let me get away with everything so I should be allowed to go" I say.

"It depends on who the friend is. If it's a boy, no. If it's a girl, yes" He says.

"It's Fallon" I say. I'm going to get in so much trouble later for lying.

"Aren't you two having friendship problems and that's why you started the war?" He asks.

"Yes and that's why we are doing this. We are going to work out our problems and depending on how today goes I might sleepover tomorrow night too" I say.

"Yeah go ahead" He says.

"Yay! Thanks dad" I say and hug him really tight. Then run upstairs and text Peyton to tell him and start packing.

About a hour later I have my dad drop me off at Fallon's house. Lucky for me Fallon lives like five houses down from Peyton.

So I walk down to his house and knock on the door. He answers and says, "Hi"

"Hey" I say and walk inside.

"I'm shocked you were allowed to come because of the stunt you pulled yesterday" He says.

"Well my parents think I'm at Fallon's house and we are working out our differences. I'm shocked you were allowed to have someone sleepover" I say.

"My parents don't know your here" He says.

"So we will both get in trouble together when they find out" I say.

"What do you want to do?" He asks me.

"Eat a bunch of snacks and watch movies" I say.

"So like any other time you come to my house" He says.

"Yep" I say.

We go into the kitchen and he starts grabbing snacks. I sit on the counter and wait. He puts a bag of popcorn in the microwave then comes over to me and stands in between my legs.

"You know I never thanked you" He says.

"For what? All I've done is come over talk to you for two minutes and sat on your counter. And now I'm about to eat all your food" I say.

Lucky {Prequel to He Broke Me} (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora