Chapter 32

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"We did what we had to do. Won't forget, can't regret. What I did for love" ~ What I Did For Love by Josh Groban. 

Peyton seriously hasn't talked to me since the doctors appointment when I said something about getting a abortion. I don't even remember what I really said. That was five days ago. I've texted him and he won't respond. I haven't called him because I know he won't answer. I was thinking about texting his sister to ask her to find out what's wrong but I don't think she knows I'm having a baby yet. School starts next week and I don't feel like going to school and having him not talk to me.

Here's what I have sent to him. I stared off casual and just gotten more and more annoying and mean. We will start with the day after the appointment.


Me: Hey. Want to come over? Parents aren't home just Sabrina

No response. Normally he would jump at the chance to be at one's of our houses without parents. But I'm fine with that. Let you cool off for another day and I'll try again tomorrow.


Me: Hey. What are you doing?

Still no response. I texted him again later that night

Me: How was your day?

Again he didn't respond


Me: Want to go to the mall? I'm going with Sabrina and Bradley

I figured if he knew other people would be there and it just wasn't us than he would come. I was wrong, didn't get a response.


Me: Ok I'm serious now. What is wrong with you? Just talk to me. I miss you

That was yesterday. He still hasn't texted me back.

Now it's time for today's text. I'm sorry Peyton that it has to come down to this.


Me: Alright you made your decision now I've made mine. Leaving for the abortion center in fifteen minutes. Come say your goodbyes.

I'm not actually going to a abortion center. I don't even know where one is but I know it will get him to text me back. I got dressed and everything just to make it look like I was actually going to go, just Incase he FaceTimes or something.

Less than five minutes later there is a knock on the door. I look out my bedroom window to see who it is and it's Peyton. I couldn't see him but his car is on the street. I'm surprised he got here this fast. If he was at home it would take him at least fifteen minutes to get here. He's a really slow driver. I get to his house in like five to ten minutes.

"Where's Sarah?" I hear him say. He sounded more scared if anything. I'd except him to sound angry

"She's in her room. Why?" My mother asks.

"I just need to talk to her" He says.

"Go right up" My mom says.

Shit now I have to act natural. I just sat on my bed reading a book, because you know that's realistic, me reading. I didn't even know I had a book in my room.

He comes barging into my room and closes the door. His face was red and a it kinda looked like he was crying.

"Please don't do it. I'll do literally anything you want for the rest of your life. I'm sorry I should just responded to your text and I'm sorry and I'll never do it again and I love you and whatever else you want to hear. Just please don't get a abortion. Please" He says. He said everything in the beginning really quick but when he said 'please' at the end his voice cracked. I continued to fake read about killing mockingbirds or something during his whole little speech.

"Oh so your talking to me now" I say and put the book down and stand up.

"Yes just please tell me you haven't done anything yet" He says. How many times is he going to say please

"Not yet. I have to leave in ten minutes. So like I said say your goodbyes to it and me and leave." I say.

"No I'm not. I'm not letting you do it. I'll go along with the whole I just raise the baby thing or you can give it up for adoption if you want to do that just please anything but a abortion" He says. He was crying by the end. He was holding back tears the entire time but now he was really crying. I've never seen him cry before. I froze for a minute. I didn't know what to do or say.

"Peyton I'm not going to do it and I never was. I just told you that to get you to talk to me. If I really wanted a abortion I would have gotten it and not even tell you I was pregnant in the first place" I say and hug him. I felt so bad. He cried just a little bit harder.

"I hate you so much" He says in between sobs.

"I know you do" I say.

I hugged him for a couple more minutes until he calmed down and then I pulled away.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says.

"Ok well you go home and fix yourself up because I don't like dealing with crying people and text me tomorrow" I say. I didn't want him to leave because I just wanted to sit and talk to him about everything and anything besides this baby because I really did miss him but at the same time I didn't want him here.

"Fine. I don't want to but I'll do whatever you want. I'll talk to you tomorrow" He says. Oh I am so going to use this to my advantage.

"Bye" I say and he leaves my room. I hear him say bye to my mom and dad and then walk out the door. He didn't say anything to them about what we were just talking about.

"Why would you do that to him?" Sabrina comes into my room and asks me a minute later.

"He wouldn't talk to me. I had to do something to get him here" I say.

"Ok but that is just flat out mean. You should apologize to him" She says.

"He should apologize to me for not talking to me" I say.

"I know I'm never going to win with you so just do whatever you think is right" She says and leaves my room.

The rest of the day was nothing special. I did a lot of thinking though. I was wondering why Peyton didn't want me to get a abortion so bad. I know he is pro choice and all that, he rants about politics a lot. He said he would be fine to adoption and if we went through with that then he wouldn't most likely wouldn't know the kid. But I finally came to the conclusion that anything we do besides a abortion the kid will still be on this planet. Whether we keep it or do a adoption, it will still be here and he still has a chance of having a relationship with it.

So the more I thought the more guilty I felt on how messed up he got. I texted him to apologize.

Me: Hey sorry about today. I would write more but I don't know what to say.
Peyton: It's ok. I'm sorry for ignoring you.

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