Chapter 29

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"Side by side or miles apart, we are sisters, connected by heart"

After the doctors appointment Peyton dropped me off at the mall. He did nothing but tell me what I'm going to have to do during this pregnancy and it was just annoying.

So he dropped me off at the mall and Sabrina and Shannon were already there. Shannon flew in from Pennsylvania the other night and surprised everyone. It's a good thing she came because Sabrina and Bradley were hanging out and I was third wheeling. Then she came and I wasn't third wheeling anymore.

I told her I am pregnant that night. And Sabrina told her she is dating Bradley during the day. I was expecting her to be mad at us for not telling her two pretty huge things but she blamed herself and said she should come to California more.

The three of us go into some clothes stores and they look around. I just kinda following them around not looking at anything.

"Aren't you going to look around?" Shannon asks me.

"What's the point?" I ask.

"Would you like us to take you to a maternity store after this?" She asks.

"Absolutely not and keep your voice down" I say.

"Hey Sabrina. Don't you have that date with that kid tonight?" Shannon asks.

"Yeah and his name is Bradley" She says.

"Why don't you go help her pick out a outfit for her date" Shannon says to me.

"Fine" I say and go over to Sabrina.

"You should wear this to your date" I say and pull a shirt off the rack.

She takes a look at it then says "Ok"

Basically I spent the entire day helping the shop. I didn't hate it but it wasn't as fun as before.

So we're walking out. We had to leave early since Sabrina has that date.

We were on our way out when we passed some baby clothing store.

"Sarah we have to go in there!" Shannon says.

"No we don't" I say.

"Come on. You don't want to get stuff for that baby in your right now" She says. I wanted to cringe at the thought that there is actually a kid growing inside me right now.

"No not until we find out what it is" I say. That's the most logical answer I could think of to not go in that store.

"Fine" She says and we keep walking out.

Lucky {Prequel to He Broke Me} (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz