Chapter 8

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"The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you've really wanted to kiss them for a long time"

Today Peyton is coming over to my house. My mom and dad won't be home and I'm going to send Sabrina out with Rowan or someone so it's just me and him.

I go into Sabrina's room and she is watching tv.

"Hey Sabrina. Do you want to go to Rowan's house today?" I ask.

"Why?" She asks.

"I have a friend coming over today and I want to be all alone" I say.

"Is this friend a boy named Peyton who is a little more then just a friend?" Sabrina asks.

"Maybe. That's why I need you to leave" I say.

"I'll go to Rowan's just don't get pregnant" She says.

"Ew I'm only 15 that will not be happening any time soon" I say.

"Whatever you say" She says and I leave her room.

I hang out in my room for about a hour then Sabrina's comes in.

"I'm leaving to go to Rowan's" Sabrina says.

"Ok. Have fun. Don't get pregnant by Rowan" I say and roll my eyes.

"Ok. I won't. It's not possible. See you later" Sabrina says and leaves.

About a half an hour later Peyton shows up. I run down stairs and open the front door.

"Hi Peyton" I say.

"Hi" He says and walks in.

"Want me to give you like a little house tour?" I ask.

"I've been to your house before." He says.

"That's right. I forgot. Let's just go to my room then" I say and we go upstairs to my room.

"I like your room" He says.

"Thank you" I say.

"Who are all these people?" He asks. He was looking at my little friend wall. I have a bunch of pictures of me and a lot of my friends hanging out.

"These are all my friends. Most of them are going into 11th, 12th or graduated last year. These were from all those parties I went to last year. These are the ones that I can show my parents. That why I hung them up" I say.

"I can't imagine what goes down at the parties you go to" He says.

"You went with me to one" I say.

"Yeah but that was a ninth grade party. That's different then going to a party with upper class man" He says.

"Your right. I took you to that one because I knew you haven't been to a party before and I didn't want to freak you out" I say.

"Well thank you" He says.

"Your welcome" I say.

"Why am I not on this wall?" He asks.

"Because your over here. Those are just a bunch of people that I taped to my wall. Your not just a random person to me" I say and we go to my night stand. I had a framed picture of us that I took in class one day. It was in science and we were bored out of our minds and I took a selfie. He looked really bored and about to fall asleep in it and I was smiling. it's literally the only picture I have of the two of us.

"I like it" He says.

"Thank you" I say and we both sat on my bed. He sat on one side with his legs out and I sat on the other with one leg under the other. It kinda looked like a 4.

We were talking for a couple minutes then before I knew it we were kissing. Like not just a quick peck on the lips like the first one. This was making out kissing. His hand was cupped around my cheek and I don't even know what my hands were doing at the moment. I loved every minute of it. It probably would have lasted longer but my dog just had to ruin it. Goodwin jumps up on my bed and starting licking both our faces and me and Peyton started laughing.

"You just have to ruin everything" I say to Goodwin and he licks my face again. Then I put him on the floor.

"I'm sorry" I say to Peyton.

"For what?" He asks.

"For my annoying dog" I say.

"It's ok" He says and laughs.

We sit and talk for about a hour then his mom comes to pick him up. I didn't want him to leave. But before he left he kissed me again. It was one little quick peck on the lips.

"Bye. I'll see you soon" He says.

"Bye" I say and he leaves.

I was still so mad at my dog for that. Is it bad that I'm holding a grudge against a dog that doesn't know any better? Probably

I needed to tell someone about it. I couldn't tell Sabrina because she'd be a little snitch and tell my parents and if my dad knew me and Peyton were making out in my room he would not be allowed over ever again.

I decided on calling my friend Fallon but this is the day of iPhones and all that other technology stuff so I FaceTime her.

"Fallon your never going to believe what happened today" I say.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Me and Peyton were in my room making out. It was our first make out session and everything and it was magical. Then my stupid fucking dog comes in, jumps on by bed and starts licking our faces and ruins it" I say.

She laughed and laughed for a good three minutes then said, "Don't worry about it. It isn't going to be your last kiss. I've seen you kiss at least 15 different people while playing spin the bottle. Your seriously the coolest 15 year old I've ever met"

"Your not supposed to tell anyone that and besides that's different. Those are random guys from parties. This is my boyfriend" I say.

"I don't get why your dating that kid. He's a nerd and your little miss popular. Seriously any 9th and 10th grade guy and probably a lot of the 11th and 12th graders would kill to date you" She says.

"First, I would never date anyone in the grades below me or anyone younger then me. That's just gross. But I like Peyton. We are total opposites" I say.

"I'm sure his social status will rise this year once people find out he's dating you" She says.

"We'll find out the first week of school" I say.

"Yep. I'll talk to you later. My brother just got home" She says

"Ok bye" I say.

"Bye" She says and hangs up.

The rest of the day was pretty normal. Me and Peyton texted for a little while. Then my parents and Sabrina came home.

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