Chapter 36

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I may actually kill a freshman today.

Today was the day I had been dreading the most. The day the entire school finds out I am pregnant. I didn't actually know when this would happen but I knew it would.

Let's start at the beginning

I walk into school hand in hand with Peyton. We drove to school together today.

"I'll see you in a few minutes" He says to me and kisses my cheek. Then walks off to his locker.

I walk to my locker and get a few looks from people. I didn't think much of it. I get my things and go to my study hall. I got there before Peyton. I go to my usual seat and there is a piece of folded up loose leaf. Me being me I had to open it and see what it said. I open it and it read "Your a slut" I just kinda laughed it off. There were two little freshman boys in the corner of the classroom watching and laughing. I just give them a thumbs up and a fake smile. It's only the second week of school, they don't know how to act in high school yet. I threw the piece of paper out than sit at my desk. Peyton comes in and we talk all period. Nothing major, I copied a few homework assignments from him and then talked about classes. He's really working hard on me passing school this year. Every year I just barley pass. Before he would never let me copy his homework instead he would "teach" it to me. Now he doesn't care as long as I get it in. It probably does have something to do with the baby. He probably doesn't want me to repeat a year of high school with a baby at home. We already know my grades are going to be worse because of this baby.

Once the period was over I go to my next class. Again a few looks. I was almost at the class room when some coughs and says "Prego" again I laugh while totally forgetting that I'm pregnant and that was targeted towards me. I didn't realize that until I got to the classroom.

I was sitting in math and the period was about to start when this girl, who was probably six months pregnant and who has been in my classes since I was in sixth grade came up to me. I've never actually talked to her before.

She sits down next to me in the back and says, "Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors?" I ask and play dumb.

"You so do know. About you having a bun in the oven" She says. I hated that she put it that way. I absolutely hate that expression.

"It's true but don't tell anyone" I say.

"Honey, everyone already knows" She says. Don't call me honey. The bells rings for class to start and she stands up. "If you need someone to talk to I'm always here" She says and walks away.

So I sit through that boring math class. I wasn't paying attention though. I was completely freaking out. Everyone knew my biggest secret. I needed to find Sabrina and I need to find her now. After what seemed like forever the bell rang and I raced out of the classroom. I took a few minutes and I kept getting stared at and now people were whispering to each other when I speed walked past them. I eventually found Sabrina. She was on her way to gym.

"We have to go somewhere" I say and pull her by the arm into the janitors closet. Me and Peyton would hang out in here a lot in tenth grade. He was going through his "I am a rebel" phase and we skipped a lot of classes.

"What are we doing?" Sabrina asks and we both sit in the chairs that are in there.

"Someone found out I'm pregnant and told like everyone" I say.

"I'm sorry" She says and hugs me.

"It's ok. I knew everyone would find out soon" I say and hug her back.

"Do you know who?" She asks.

"No. Only me, you, Peyton and Bradley know. And I know none of you would tell" I say

"That explains why everyone was starring at me this morning" She says

"Yeah me too" I say.

"Did anyone say anything to you?" She asks.

"Like two people. I don't really care though. They were both immature freshman" I say. Just imagine the most popular girl in your school gets pregnant. What would you do?

"That explains a lot" She says.

"Yep" I say and it was silent for about 3 minutes.

"What are we going to do? Are we just going to sit in her and cut class?" She asks.

"I am. You don't have to. You can go to class" I say.

"I'll stay. Its gym, who wants to go to gym" She says.

"I don't have gym anymore. That stupid doctors appointment we went to last month gave me a pass out of gym until the baby comes" I say.

"Your lucky but that must have been who told then" she says

"What?" I ask.

"Teachers talk, some teacher must have been talking about it and a student over heard and told everyone" She says

"Another reason to hate teachers" I say and we both laugh.

Sabrina's phone buzzes and she starts texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask.

"Bradley. He wanted to know where I am because I'm supposed to be in gym with him right now" She says.

"We're cutting class. It will be fine" I say.

"What about when mom and dad find out?" She asks

"They probably won't but once we explain what happened to them they won't care and I'll take all the blame if we get in trouble" I say.

"Ok" She says

We sit and talk for the remainder of the period. Then the bell rings.

"Are you going to go to class now?" I ask

"Yeah I have to. I already skipped English I'm going to try and stay home tomorrow." I say.

"Ok. I'm going to class. See you at lunch" She says and opens the door to the weird closet thing.

I tried to go to English but I couldn't. I wasn't ready for all the stares and looks again. I am just going to wait until next period when I have class with Peyton.

I skipped one more period and than went to history with Peyton.

It was just a horrible day. I kept getting weird stares from people and so many people whispering about me and making up more rumors like I got a STD and stupid shit like that. A few people said stuff to me but I just ignored them. It felt like I was in middle school again.

It didn't stop there. On social media it was even worse.

Kids posting on there Snapchat stories and instagrams about me. They really don't have anything better to do with there sad pathetic lives.

One asshole even went far enough to make a Instagram poll on who the new popular girl would be since I have lost that position.

On Snapchat some tenth grader posted "THE Sarah Carpenter gets pregnant and all of a sudden I'm not scared of her anymore" That one made me feel like I was famous or something. At least I know that I used to scare people.

It's going to be a horrible year.

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