Chapter 31

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{I'm so sorry it has taken so long to update. I wrote the first like five hundred words and didn't want to publish just that. I was on writers block for a little bit but now I have the next three chapters planned}

It's sonogram day and I didn't even know about it. I found out less than 24 hours ago.

So apparently Peyton made this appointment. I didn't think you had to go to ones if these until you find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. In my case when I get it confirmed that it's a boy.

So I did my research (just like Peyton probably did) basically they make you do one really early to make sure everything is normal detect problems if there are any and to hear a heart beat.

So that's where I'm headed now. I didn't tell Sabrina about this and I told my mom to stay home. It's just going to be me and Peyton

Peyton picked me up. It was pretty quiet and he finally spoke up.

"I did some research" He says. Of course you did. I think. "And the baby is about the size of a grape" He says.

"That's nice" I say looking out the window and showing no interest at all. He realizes he has to try a little bit harder in starting up a conversation.

"Isn't that so big?" He asks.

"No your a math genius. You should know a grape is only like a inch." I say.

"I'm not a genius but thanks for the compliment. While doing my research it says that the baby's head will be way bigger than the rest of the body" He says.

"So it's a alien baby" I say.

"No it's not. It's just how all baby's develop. It says that it's brain is starting to form and it starts to grow hair follicles. It also starts growing reproductive organs and it's heart has formed into the four chambers. It's liver starts producing red blood cells too" He says.

"Don't over excite yourself with all the science terminology" I say.

"I also saw a picture of a nine week abortion. It was kinda gross. I know you always joke about getting a abortion" He says.

"Who says I was joking" I say under my breath. I think he heard because he didn't say anything after that.

He used to me saying stuff he doesn't like to hear. We've been dating for three years. But now that I said something that kinda threatened his kids life, now he gets a little mad.

He's grown to love the baby pretty quick. He loved it since the minute he found out. Since the day we started dating he has talked about having a family. I know he didn't plan on it being this soon but it's all the same to him.

About two minutes later we arrive at the sonogram place. We get out of the car not saying a word to each other and go inside. He signs me in and then we sit in the chairs. We don't talk. It's kinda awkward.

About five minutes later the nurse calls me in. We walk into the room and she tells me to sit at the table and that the doctor will be in shortly.

So the doctor comes in and introduces herself and everything.

So they put some gel on my stomach and move the little thing around to find the baby.

So they do and it was really little. You could see a head that was bigger then the rest of its body and arms and legs. That's all I expected to see. She said everything looked fine.

She gave us some pictures and we were on our way. Peyton didn't say much the entire time. You could tell he loved seeing it even by not saying anything.

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