Chapter 14

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"Not telling the truth is the quickest way to turn yourself into a stranger"

It's the next day. Peyton texted me last night asking me how the therapy session went. I told him it was good and that I'll tell him more about it tomorrow.

I walk into school and go to my locker. About thirty seconds later Peyton comes up to me.

"Good morning" He says.

"Good morning" I say back then close my locker and we start walking.

"How did yesterday go?" He asks.

"It went fine." I say.

"That's good" He says.

"Yeah. Now I want to know what's up with you" I say.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"What are you hiding from me?" I ask.

"Nothing" He says but was clearly lying.

"Come on. I know your lying. You can tell me anything I won't get mad" I say.

"I'll tell you later. I don't want to do it here" He says.

"Fine but I will bug you until I find out" I say.

"Ok" He says.

"This is my classroom. I'll see you later" I say and give him a quick kiss then go into the classroom.

I go through all my classes and finally study hall rolls around. I have that last period. That's the class where I get to be alone with Peyton.

I go in the classroom and he wasn't there yet. I signed it and sat in my normal seat and waited.

Two minutes later he comes in, signs in and sits next to me.

"Ok so what up because now I really want to know" I say.

"Sarah, I'm going to tell you something. You might get mad and probably won't like it but I don't want to keep secrets from you" He says.

"Peyton, just tell me" I say.

"It's about your friends. There the biggest assholes in school. I know you don't see it because there your friends and they do nothing to you. But they have bullied me and my friends since the day we got to this school last year. I'm sure it's hard the hear because you think they are great people but they aren't" He starts.

"What have they done to you. That's what I want to know" I say. I'm not going to react just yet.

"They beat the shit out of me and two other kids then throw us in the dumpsters and your little best friend Fallon was the ringleader. I honestly thought when you started talking to me it was to either play with emotions or something because they told you to. Then I started to realize you weren't and you actually did really like me. The day we bumped into each other in the hallway I couldn't stand you then later on that day we started talking online and I realized you aren't so bad. I'm sorry" He says.

"I'm sorry too. I'm going to talk with my I don't know what to call them because I don't want them to be my friends anymore. But as long as we are telling the truth I bumped into you on purpose that day just to get you to notice me" I say and he laughed.

"Was that the day you walked into science with a busted up lip and gave me the death stare?" I ask.

"Yeah. I knew you were friends with them and were probably in on it" He says.

"I wasn't. I didn't even know it happened" I say

"I know" He says.

So the rest of the period we talked about nice things not him getting beat up and thrown in dumpsters.

I go home and think of what I should do and I came up with the perfect master plan so I text Peyton because I need a few things from him.

Me: Hey. I need the names of the kids who beat you up and the names of some of your friends who got beat up.
Peyton: Why?
Me: Because it's time to unleash hell at this school.
Peyton: Please don't do anything stupid.
Me: I'm not. Now send me some names.

Lucky {Prequel to He Broke Me} (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें