Chapter 22

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"One day there will be a mini me running around, half me and half the person I love"

It's time to take this stupid test. If it comes out positive I bury it in the backyard and I ignore it for as long as possible. If it comes out negative I bury this thing in the back yard and pretend it never happened. Either way I get to bury something. It can be like a grave for my young, innocence and virginity.

I'm doing it tonight when everyone is asleep because I don't need them finding out I took this anytime soon.

At about one in the morning I knew everyone would be asleep. My parents fall asleep around nine. Sabrina goes to bed at around ten thirty. I needed to wait to make sure everyone was sleeping.

I go into the bathroom and read the instructions on the box. I'm not big on reading but I figured I should read this so I don't fuck up the results. Fallon got two boxes with two tests each in them. I'm just going to take one from each box and hide the two others far back in my closet.

So I do what I have to and wait three minutes for the results. I spend those three minutes hoping they come out negative.

I was sitting on the toilet with the lid down waiting for the results. Three minutes later the timer on my phone went off. It was just a vibration. It didn't make any noise. I stood up and went to the sink and looked inside. One read pregnant and the other one had two lines. I blink a few times hoping my brain was playing tricks on me.

That didn't work. I didn't know if I should be happy or cry. I didn't want to be happy. Who would be happy about having a baby at seventeen? I didn't want to cry because I think of that as showing a sign of weakness. But I couldn't hold it in and I could feel the tears coming and I couldn't stop them.

I cried for about four minutes then stopped. I didn't want to anymore. Now it's time to bury this because I can't let my parents or Sabrina find it.

I take the two sticks and go out the back door. I grab my moms gardening shovel and go to the flower beds. If she finds this it won't be for another month at least and I will probably have told them by that point.

I dig a whole about a foot deep and put them in there. I fill the whole with the dirt I just put in there and flatten it. Hopefully my parents won't be able to tell that something was buried there recently.

I go upstairs to my room and lay in bed. I couldn't fall asleep. I should have been falling asleep because of how late it is but I couldn't. There were too many thoughts going through my head.

First one being what am I going to tell Peyton? I'm going to have to tell him. I will probably tell him before anyone else. What about my parents? They are going to be so mad. What if it's like those situations you see on tv when they kick the kid out? Would they actually do that to me? If they did I would just go to Peyton's. What's Sabrina going to think? Is she going to do the same thing now that she has a boyfriend or whatever Bradley is to her. I just kinda hope everything works out ok.

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