Nothing A Few Shots Can't Fix

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Valeria's POV

Loki and I were in my kitchen when someone knocked on my front door. Loki changed into Lucas and I went and answered the door. My Uncle Ben stood at the door. "Are you gonna invite me in?" He asks. I moved out of the way and he walked in. I shut the door and crossed my arms over my chest. I went to say something and Loki/Lucas came through to my living room. Loki waved then came over to me. 

"I heard about Victor," my uncle says. All my muscles tighten just at his name. Loki puts his arm around me and whispers, "It's okay," into my ear. We walk closer to my couch.

"If you came to tell me that doing business with him is bad then don't because I only did it because of Tony," I tell my uncle. 

"No, I came because of your dad," my uncle says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your dad is a good guy Valeria, but he doesn't think every now and then," my uncle says.

"What did he do?" I ask.

"He hit Victor a few times and Victor pressed charges on him last night. Your mom didn't want you to know especially since Victor made it so the only person that can get him out is you," My uncle tells me. Loki's arm tightens around me.

"What do you mean I can only get him out?" I ask.

"He said you had to call him. Your mom told him no and he left. Johnny is taking care of your mom right now and they didn't want you knowing at all," he says.

"I want to go see him first," I reply. My uncle nods and looks at Loki.

"Is he coming?" he asks. I look up at Loki and ask, "Will you go with me?" He smiles and says, "Of course." We go to walk out of my apartment and my uncle stops Loki and threatens him about breaking my heart. I chuckle and put my hand in Loki's and we walk to my uncles car.

We get to the police station and they let us through to see him. They take him to a table and he looks up and sees the three of us.

"Uncle Ben, can I talk to my dad alone?" I ask.

"Of course," my uncle says then walks out to his car. Loki goes to follow him and I grab his hand. He looks at me confused. 

"I want you to stay," I say and he nods. My dad sighs when we sit across from him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I'm here to see you. What did he say that made you explode?" I ask. He looks at his hands.

"You need to tell me," I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I am the only one who can get you out. Plus, mom is already on watch duty. Who knows how long Uncle Johnny will stay this time," I reply. He looks concerned and worried.

"Is she okay?" He asks.

"I wouldn't know. Now please just tell me what he said," I say. I can see the fight going on and from the look on Loki's face he is in my dad's head and I am kind of happy he is.

"He said that now that Sue was taken and older maybe the younger version is better," my father says. I see the anger on Loki's face. 

"Maybe you should go get some air," I tell Loki feeling his emotions hitting the wall I built to them. He sees my discomfort and tries to calm down and when he can't he kisses my cheek and says, "Sorry," and stands up and goes outside. 

"He your boyfriend now?" My dad asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"He knows about your powers?" He asks.

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