"What if that's me" Dean chuckled crazily.

"What? I thought you don't know about it--- Oh whatever." Seth said looking at Dean. "Anyway, I almost forgot, let's confront someone." He said to Dean and they left Roman alone, making their way to the girl's table.

"Hey, Charlotte!" Seth called her in a serious voice as Dean standing on his side.

"What do you want, Rollins?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

"He wants me!" Sasha whispered to Charlotte and started to giggle.

"You're gross, Sasha!" Charlotte gave her a disgusting look.

"Why did you accused Roman earlier ago?" Seth asked right away.

"Hmmmm 'cause I want to accuse him." Charlotte smiled smugly that made Seth leered at her.

"You know what, Seth. Don't talk to her anymore! She's not worthy to talk with." Sasha smiled.

"Let's get outta here." Dean pulled Seth's arm as he narrowed his eyes on Sasha.

"Roman doesn't do any bad things so never try to accuse our brother," Seth uttered and they walked away.

Just in a meantime, Seth's phone suddenly vibrated and he got a new message.

You're so damn interesting, Seth Rollins.

~ xxxxx

Minutes later, Maryse went back into the room and she spotted Mandy, Peyton, and Billie screaming in front of her desk. Maryse went near them and another small peach bouquet caught her attention.

"OMG, Maryse girl! Your secret admirer did an action once again!" Mandy shrieked, prancing around.

"Je me demande qui m'a donné ça." Maryse sighed, gazing at the bouquet. (A/N: I don't speak French, I got these sentences from google translate. If there's something wrong, please correct my French sentence! muah muah! loves loves!! )

✘ WWE UNIVERSITY┊ book 1. (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon