Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man

Start from the beginning

Suga ponders. "Hmm... She hasn't told me anything."

"Go now. Before you lose track of her.", said Jin.

The four maknaes saluted and heads out to follow Eun-ha. After a while, they caught up to Eun-ha who meets up with her friends Chul-gyeong, Sang-hun and four other people that they don't recognize in front of the Big Hit building.

They inched closer to listen in.

"Are you suuuuure you're not suppose to be here noona?", Chul-gyeong asks nervously.

"I feel really bad about this. This time. If Chul-gyeong wasn't such an impulsive little shit, we wouldn't have to ask you to do this noona.", Sang-hun was really apologetic but his words towards Chul-gyeong was like a prickly thorn.

"I'm sorry okay!", Chul-gyeong whines.

Eun-ha crosses her arms. "Well, I'm keeping this from the hyungs. It's really hard for me to do so but I have to. Mi-suk is back and I have yet to have my revenge on her.", she turns to the other unfamiliar four. "Sorry about this guys. Tower, I know you're busy working at the bar but this will be the last time. I'm calling this my retirement show as Kitsune."

"It's OK kiddo. My busy hours ain't gonna kill me. They got enough people in there. Besides, the big boss told me to have a little time off.", said the very tall man.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get to work!", the twins cheered in synced. "But we gotta talk about that retirement idea you're talking about.", they said, causing Eun-ha to roll her eyes.

The other one called Gin nods and looks around. "The dance studio again?"

"Yep.", Eun-ha nods as well and the band heads inside the building together.

As The Pack disappeared from sights, the boys settled in for a debate.

"What kind of revenge is she talking about? This is bad. Well, I don't know. I don't like the fact that she's sneaking around without telling us but I'm also curious. We have to go in there.", said Jimin.

"Well yeah. We're gonna have to. It wasn't obvious but Suga-hyung was really worried to death about her.", V added.

J-Hope claps his hands and grins. "Alright. We're going into the building to find out what she's keeping from us. Right Kookie?", he turns to his side only to see Jungkook not there but walking into the building. "Aish, Kookie!"

They ran after Jungkook inside the building.

As they enter, they see Eun-ha and the others take the elevator. BTS knew they couldn't take the other elevator so they sprinted up the stairs. And finally, when they got to the dance studio's floor, they poked out of the door for the staircase and sees Eun-ha walk out of the elevator with the twins hanging on both of her arms, giggling.

The laughter they shared made the boys frown a little bit. Just almost a year ago, before Eun-ha joined BTS, she was just a normal girl from the Underground. She had friends like them. Happy.

"Guys...", Jimin retracted himself from the door and leaned against the wall. "How different would it be if Eun-ha never joined BTS? Is it possible for us to meet her?", he sniffs. "She had friends like us too. And she's going to retire her former affiliation just to be with us."

J-Hope smiles and hugs Jimin. "Our Jiminie is being emotional. But to answer your question, I'm sure we would've met her at some point. Idol or not. She chooses what she chooses. And if she chooses us, we should be happy. Cuz if she didn't, I'd be really sad too."

V and Jungkook backed away from the door too with solemn faces. Well, mostly Jungkook. It was like his inner-evil maknae came back again. "I don't accept this. Eun-noona is ours. I don't want her to be taken away from us by them just because they're old friends.", said Jungkook with determination in his eyes. "She. IS. OURS."

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